Self-Reflection On MBTI Assessment

My personality trait is INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving) who are often described as “idealist” personality. This MBTI assessment matches my real personality.

  1. Introversion: I am an introvert, won’t able to speak up in front of others much and reserved. An introvert does not shed their energy in front of public and able to talk with their close ones easily. I also prefer to shed my energy speaking to my best friends. Introverts are often confused with shyness however, it is not the truth. They like to do the party, talk with friends but only with their closed ones. I like to spend my energy alone rather than with social groups.
  2. Intuition: Intuition person take the decision immediately without going into the deep concept of the topic. I have the identical quality. When I did not understand anything much I would like to take the decisions immediately without intervening into the facts and logic.
  3. Feelings: Idealist person overweigh the feeling characteristic than thinking. This quality is again matches with the mine. I did not have deep thinking over any topic. My decisions are based upon decisions. I am very emotional at times. I am very sensitive and more caring. Anyone can get my sympathy easily.
  4. Perceiving: Perception characteristic of a person is the ones who are always spontaneous and ready to adapt the environment rather than planned and organized. I have same characteristics. I always try to adapt the surrounding rather than organizing them according to mine. I have never scheduled the things. I am very flexible and is not rigid to the situations.

Personality Strength:

Creative: INFP trait with people is very creative and has many new ideas. In college, I was the president of the club FAC (Fine Arts Club), I was choosing for the position because I was known for my creativity in the college. I did the job done with fewer efforts.

Perfectionist: The person with INFP characteristic has idealistic quality. I always try to do the work exactly the ways it is told even if I have to spent more time on it.

Hardworking: The people focus on the things get done and if they are tough they gave up whereas INFP with trait people do not gave up and always tries to accomplish the task till the deadline.

Energetic: This type of personality always tries to lend their helping hand to others first where needed. They are always compassionate. They put their all energy to get the things done and always dedicating their time to work.

Contribution to the team: Supportive and Imaginative: As INFP’s are creative, so they listen up every team members carefully and come up with creative ideas to support everybody’s point of view. They contribute best in the team by avoiding conflicts and enhance integrity.

Integrity: INFP trait personality is optimistic so they avoid conflicts that are arising among the team’s members rather they tries to settle the friction. They bring harmony and integrity to the team.

Flexible: INFPs are flexible and spontaneous in general. They like to adapt the new people and environment faster than get rigid to one. They always try to think about the problem in a creative ways. Spontaneity enhances the productivity in the team. It will keep out mind fresh and fresh and fresh mind will lead to innovative ideas.

15 July 2020
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