Sharing Arguments Against Animal Testing
Every day, millions of animals are trapped in steel cages, waiting for a latex-gloved hand to reach in and whisk them away for another day of testing. These animals are used to test product safety, improve our medicines, perform curiosity-driven experimentation, or investigate the effects of products or procedures. Using animals for these purposes is unethical and constitutes abuse. Even though successful animal research frequently benefits human beings, the pain, suffering, and deaths of animals are not worth the potential human benefits. Therefore, animals should not be used in research or product testing. Within the animal testing persuasive essays we will analyse why people cannot harm animals in this way!
Animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed. Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments to investigate how their bodies and biological systems react to various irritants. The most commonly used animals in these experiments are rats, mice, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, non-human primates, cats, and dogs. It is unethical to subject animals to harmful drugs and chemicals simply because they are incapable of protesting. Water deprivation, starvation, force-feeding of unhealthy and non-edible substances, pain stimulation, and other heinous treatments are all part of the testing process. Animals have no choice but to suffer and die slowly. These animals are caged and deprived of their freedom of movement and control over their lives. They are neglected and denied attention. This treatment is nothing short of inhumane.
Animals, like human beings, are living creatures with the ability to hear, see, smell, remember, distinguish objects and even behave following some behavioral patterns. Animals can also have many underlying feelings; they experience pain and fear when they are harmed or exposed to abuse. They may also endure feelings of loneliness. When animals are used in research or product testing, their rights are violated. A large proportion of animal testing results in moderate to severe suffering for the animal and results mostly in death once the experiment is completed. Skin sensitization and eye irritation tests are among the many experiments that test animals must endure. These tests include the animals being forced to inhale and consume poisonous fumes or having lethal chemicals poured into their eyes or rubbed into their skin. As long as animals can feel pain, subjecting them to these experiments appears inhumane and should be illegal.
Over forty countries, including New Zealand, have passed laws to limit or prohibit cosmetic animal testing. Changes must be made all over the world to ensure that animal testing is illegal and that no more animals are harmed in the process of testing for human benefit.
To continue persuasive essays on animal testing, subjecting animals to these experiments is not only cruel but is frequently ineffective. Animals and humans share some physiological characteristics. For example, their nervous system reacts in the same way that humans do. Therefore, when the animal is subjected to a painful external or internal stimulus, the following symptoms occur; dilated pupils, an increase in blood pressure, an increase in the pulse rate, and perspiration. If the stimulus is maintained, blood pressure may fall. Humans, however, have a more developed and complicated structure. The human cerebral cortex is more complex than that of animals, which means this part of the brain is concerned with thought processes rather than basic emotions, impulses, and feelings. This means that the reaction animals have to products or procedures may differ from those of humans. Animals’ structure, physiology and molecular build of animals differ from that of humans so using them in experiments can result in errors. Many animals do not even contract diseases that humans do, as humans and animals are not structurally built in the same way. This means that using animals to test products intended for human use is not always efficient. According to an article written by Peta, “experiments on animals fail 90% of the time.” The article also states, “more than 90% of pharmaceutical drugs that test safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials.”
Additionally, animal testing is unnecessary because there are viable alternatives available. Non-animal research methods that are humane and effective, such as human tissues, cell cultures, and computer models are available. Human tissues, both healthy and diseased, are voluntarily donated, which can provide a more efficient way of studying human biology and disease than animal testing. In the laboratory, nearly every type of human and animal cell can be grown, and there are already computer models of the heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, digestive, and musculoskeletal systems. All these alternatives can be used instead of conducting inhumane experiments on animals, and they will also provide more accurate data.
In conclusion to animal testing persuasive essay, animal testing should be illegal because it violates the rights of animals, causes pain, loneliness, and fear for experimental animals, and other methods of testing product toxicity are available. While animal testing has helped us understand medicine and body systems, animals are still being tested and experimented on in inhumane ways. These experiments cause emotional trauma, physical suffering, and even death. Humans cannot justify torturing and executing millions of animals each year to perform laboratory experiments in order to improve their own lives.