Smart Street Lighting System Using IoT


Internet of Things is actually playing a vital and important role in our every day to day life, after it’s showing up. It shows a mark able changes in over traditional system as well as other traditional and general household equipment to make our life better. IOT is basically a combination of Operational Technology and Information Technology which allows unstructured machine-generated data to be analyzed for insights that will drive improvements in our life. IOT is actually the internetworking of an physical devices, embedded with electronics, software, sensors which enable these objects to collect and exchange data from an ecosystem.

We all know, street lights are one of the main city’s assets well as city centers. In survey and described that in average 30% of a city’s electricity is consumed by lighting the streets. In present situation the street lights will be on in the evening before the sun sets and they are switched off the next day morning after there is enough light on the roads, sometimes the street light remains ON in whole day. Being an energy saving age, it is responsibility to save energy effectively for this a problem the best solution for the wastage of electricity. If the traffic decreases significantly between into 1:00AM and 6:00AM, then dimming the lights is the best solution. It will reduce the illumination of the street lights by 20% whenever no vehicle was detected. And another remarkable side of this project is that we can avoid electricity supply for lighting the street light, instead of that we can use solar energy cell for the power supply it can save around 30% of electricity wastageIn day, the street light remains off and in the night, it can automatically dimming the light for the parts of the streets having no vehicles and goes on the brighten for these parts there are some vehicles that are passing by the road. At the time of red signal shows a barrier will appear automatically which has been done by using servo motor and at the time of green signal, the barrier will disappear.

Another third signal is added here to avoid accident which is yellow signal. It means if any vehicle is on the barrier zone, it is time for them to stay away immediately and it gives warning to stop immediately vehicle who are behind the barrier zone.

System architecture of proposed system

To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of smart street lighting system, we need to make a schematic architecture by which we can show the entire process at a quickly.

  1. Street Lighting System
  2. In street Lighting system we will find out the effectiveness of power consumption. Anyway in our modern life where energy is the basic need for every developed and developing countries. For the betterment of that, we made a street lighting prototype to find out the effectiveness and made a statement to how we can achieve an energy saving span.

  3. Traffic Management System
  4. In traffic management is really an important part to turn every city into a smart city. Here the basic aspect of this system is to decrease traffic jam and force everyone to obey the traffic rules. In today’s world a traffic jam is become a curse. To make everyone save from the curse, we take these initiatives for it.

Proposed system

  • Lamp unit: Lamp unit consists of power-adjustable LED array, the brightness sensor, the motion sensor, the communication device, such as ZigBee module, and the controller. It turns on for some minutes after motion is detected in particular areas by the sensors including its own sensor. After unit completion, is sends messages to other units. it turns off or reduced power under that the any motion is not detected in the defined particular areas.
  • Sensor unit: Sensor unit consists of the motion sensor and also communication device and the controller. It sends the message to other units under the condition of motion is detected to it. Sensor unit used in gates at house fence and inside or outside of the door, collage campus, to ensure that every street light turn on before wanderer notice that. As for power supply, the solar battery can be an good option for saving electricity.
  • Access point: Access point consists of the communication between device and the controller. It is used in the case of the distance between the lamp units and the sensor units are too much large to communicate with each other. The components for the smart street light As for communication devices, a power-saving short-distance device, such as ZigBee, is appropriate for an our system. As for the position information, each controller has plural addresses to adjust a network for communication.
  • Literature review

    In general, the literature review from different sources which is targeted various aspect of street lighting, traffic management & surveillances the roads. Here we can say that our system is an integrated research which combined two major aspect & make a unique proposal of effectiveness. street lighting operation where we combined it with other system and make it accessible through internet to develop a cost effective, easy & less electric power consumption project. As initially proposed in everywhere they discussed LED driver architecture to use in smart street lighting system to develop a reliable system which may decrease the wastege of energy. They clearly discussed that the presence of vehicle or any object will make light on otherwise it remains off or dim to save a huge amount of electric power like when the vehicle or object passes through the IR modules, the street light will glow than the initial intensity of the light. So with help of this mid-night the wastage of energy can be decreased. So, in our system we use this procedure but to make it more effective, we integrate here the solar panel system for saving electricity.

    We use solar panel as primary source for store a solar energy and the dc current for the backup of sources. If any occurrence happens in solar then the dc current will run the whole system. Solar energy could reduces a lot of stress on the conventional power grid, and take us a step further in the process of moving towards a more intelligent power grid.

    Solar energy could reduces plenty of stress on the conventional power grid, and take us a step more within the process of moving towards a more intelligent power grid and reduces a huge amount of waste of energy.

    Conclusion and Future Scope

    In order to enrich our daily life with help of IoT, the use and necessity of technological system is very important to establish a smart city. We believe, the more research and development of IoT, the more development & establishment of smart city will be observed. we realize that, our proposed system can fulfill this particular demands in our day to day life. This project is easy, reliable, cost effective and more significant in daily life. In our project, the traffic lighting system parts is perfect and can fulfill the demand of electricity energy saving. And also the traffic management part is extraordinary. In future, we wish to develop an android app to evaluate the traffic load monitoring or traffic evaluating. This app will be able to show us the traffic jam status of every single streets or roads in an area of city. And by detecting this status we can easily change our route of journey toward the less jam streets. Here the development of monitoring part is pretty much basic & simple but able to fulfill the general demands of our society. In near future we will establish an identification technology based on image processing like vehicle license plate identification by sensers. So we can say, the framework of creating a smart city, IoT plays a vital role and in near future, our research work will be a small contribution for our society.

    15 April 2020
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