Strategic Marketing Case Study Analysis:Kill_Kapture

Statistical data of the characteristics have been increasingly important, to marketers especially. Demographics has become an ultimate categorization tool, where end-users have been grouped based on the most fundamental which are the age and gender, professionalism which often ties along with income status, education, marital status, family size, race and also religion. The characteristic needs and behaviors usually are responsible on how one performs under environment. After being able to identify the statistical data of the end-users, it will then narrow down to the potential target audiences that could be a likely customer profile. From the case of Kill_Kapture, it is shown that the statistical data that was being targeted are the men that are aged between 30-40 year old typically. The likely customer profile should be a group of intimation of labor force mostly from the uniformed service, army officers, navy officers, FBI, police officers and many more. The potential reach of the veterans in the market has exceeded 22 million in just within the United States alone. Mark Wales, the co-founder of Kill_Kapture designed the first jacket that was called the Pathfinder, it was a luxury leather jacket that is made out of kangaroo that is tenfold stronger compared to a normal leather jacket, and it is set at a high-priced of the value of USD1500.

To successful segregate the demographics and to reach out this group of potential likely customer profile, the audiences that were being targeted by Mark Wales knew that the market is positioned and categorized with high disposal income, knowing that the special force contains a great immerse intensity of loyalty and has the ability to make an impact with words out mouth being relatively significant. An example of how demographics are important would be bras. The profile that could only be targeted at one gender, which is the female and being aged 8 and above. It would be impossible to target any male of any age. In this case, the profile of the customer that made purchase of Kill_Kapture’s jacket would come from the segment of high upper-income group that comes along with a higher purchasing power in the United States that would most likely be a working adult of the age 30s to 40s, being a uniformed service personnel. It will be highly unlikely that a female teenager that has no interest in the military would have the capacity to purchase Kill_Kapture’s jacket.

To break down a market segmentation psychographically, it will be easier to market a product to the segment appropriately, because by breaking down the segments, it allows to better market the products to that particular segment’s specific needs and specific wants. In the psychographic segmentation, there is a framework called the VALS which represents Value, Attitude, and Lifestyle. By having the audiences being grouped in such a component, it will be much easier to prognosticate the behavior of their decision in their buying purchase process. Under VALS-2 Segment, it is by using key demographics and certain psychological traits of strategic there are a few variations and their percentages which are the Innovators 8%, thinkers 11%, achievers 13%, experiencers 12%, believers 16%, strivers 13%, makers 13% and lastly the survivors 14%. This will allow to identify better-defined audiences in a more specific market of the same kind and at the same time also enhance business competitive advantages.

There is also another framework called the AIO in psychographic segmentation which represents Activities, Interests and Opinions. In the psychographics aspect, that differs from demographics is that the rationale is to endeavor or to understand why did this segment purchase a certain product from their hobbies and activities in their lifestyle. An example would be like if the profile of this person posts a lot of pictures of his family, and goes on road trips with them very often, we can infer that he probably drives a SUV/MPV instead of a sports car, and the marketer could target the entire segment of fathers/grandfathers in that segment with the data given. The consumers in Kill_Kapture case falls under the segment of thinkers mostly. As the target market that was being targeted at are the serviced uniform personnel that has the following characteristics usually financially established, do researches, planning and also take serious considerations before they act and most importantly they make purchases on proven products. Thinkers are looking for the functionality, durability and seek value in their purchases. With that being said, Kill_Kapture’s punchline “Tough Luxury” ties in line with the consumers’ lifestyle, as it links closely to the heritage of it. To understand a consumer needs, the consumer must first excessively be solicitous with his or her own needs where the focus on the desire has been given attention. Self-orientation could better enhance not only the outlook but also the inner being, to feel more confident and better of oneself as it would portraits the success of the consumer, showing that the segment of people actually are service uniformed personnel and been through many stages of training that have often been very tough that showcases the successful heritage of Kill_Kapture. It shows the expectations that one holds for himself.

Targeting strategy should always be carefully used, as the strategy is the plan that is designed to accomplish its long-term objective. There are three strategies that are the Niche-Market strategy, Mass-Market strategy and the Growth-Market strategy. By selecting one of the strategy, the segmented potential likely customers would have been measured and the business layout must be planned. The Niche-Market strategy serves only a small segment but it is a specific and well-defined segment of the whole population. It is well-done that an industry knows who the exact audiences are and where are the potential consumers at which advertising costs could be saved because by mass marketing wastes time and resources on the strike of it, and having said that it is a niche strategy there will lesser competition in the market as well. However, the down-side to it is that there might be a low survival rate if the business layout wasn’t planned well enough because the success rate of how successful or sustainable the business is, completely determines by that particular segment only.

The Mass-Market strategy has no limits and targets everyone in the market with the aim of getting a bigger market share and maximizes profits. In this strategy, it works best for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) that can be used daily such as toothpaste, shower gel and drinks. Targeting the mass market would often seem less risky than niche market because it does not solely dependent on one segment, however, marketing expenses could highly expensive and the return on investment (ROI) could not be measured in a short amount of time. The Growth-Market strategy is one of the most important strategies as it holds the envisage success of a brand or organization with this plan. To gain more market share with market penetration, market expansion and most importantly product expansion. It can be seen that in Kill_Kapture’s case, the Niche-Market strategy has been picked up. With all the marketing efforts targeting in one segment, there are numerous advantages however with such a targeted market, marketing expenses could be exorbitant and the downside to it could be the people that are interested in the product does not know of its existence because the product has never been presented to them at all. It is also dangerous if the message wasn’t passed to the audiences correctly, as they are the only segment that Kill_Kapture targeted. To further grow Kill_Kapture’s potential characteristics from the growth market strategy where product expansion could be used.

18 May 2020
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