The Advantages Of Online Education Over Traditional Classes

The phrases, “do your homework,” “you need to be studying for that test you have tomorrow,” “don’t forget to make flashcards,” and “you can’t watch TV until your school work is finished” all derive from one of the biggest desires of the typical parent; the main concerns that parents feel for their children are associated with the importance of a strong education. All parents desire the best education for their kids — regardless of whether it is virtual or traditional. And who can blame them? Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ” When it comes down to it, the impact that one makes in their lifetime derives from their educational experience — and when it comes down to efficiency, virtual learning is the way to go. Although traditional learning is beneficial and effective in many different ways, virtual learning provides an enhanced educational experience that the classroom environment cannot offer. Despite the advantages of traditional learning, an online-based education overpowers classroom education in efficiency, teaches students crucial life lessons, and improves the overall quality of the educational experience.

Virtual education exceeds the efficiency of traditional education through the availability of online resources, the flexibility of schedules, and the preservation of time. The resources available for students online are much more efficient than the resources available in a traditional classroom. Online resources are available twenty-four hours a day — seven days a week, have an amount of search engines available that duplicates the amount available in a library, and contain a “multi-user environment”. Since a majority of libraries in the world are only open to the public in the mornings and afternoons, students are unable to receive the full-time help that they are in need of. For example, a college student who attends classes for the first half of the day and works a job the second half is not going to have extra time to take a trip to the library. Due to this inconvenience, it is very evident that online resources are more efficient for the average student.

Another advantage of online resources includes an increased amount of search engines. When it comes to efficiency, researching online is much easier than researching through tangible resources. In addition to the benefits of time efficiency and more effective researching, online resources allow for multiple students to use the same resource at the same time. Scarcity is a problem that has a solution — and that solution should be used. Many argue that online resources are less efficient than library resources due to a lack of credibility. Georgetown University Library’s website states that “information available on the Internet is not regulated for quality or accuracy”. Although there are many unreliable resources online, understanding how to assess material is an important aspect of life. Through online articles, students can learn how to identify the credibility of resources. This life lesson is essential to improving the future of students. Virtual education conquers traditional education in efficiency through the benefits of twenty-four hour availability, more search engines, and the multi-user environment.

When it comes to efficiency, virtual education leaves the door open for a student to obtain a schedule based on flexibility. According to an article written through Rasmussen College, “online classes will mold with your schedule — and allow you to log into your online course at a time that works best for you, as opposed to having to attend a lecture at a specific time”. Virtual classes leave the door open to an individualized schedule that allows for a student to reach their full potential for success. Strict schedules take away a student’s ability to learn in the way that works best for them. A loose schedule allows for students to partake in education at the proper time, in the proper place, and with the proper work environment. In opposition of this argument, one might feel as though free time leads students to feelings of boredom and, occasionally, depression.

A study conducted by Procedia displays a positive correlation between depression and leisure time. While time alone with “nothing” to do can lead to feelings of sadness, it can be turned into great happiness if used intentionally in a positive way. Students can fill their time with activities that will benefit their future, even more than education can, and lead to true happiness. According to an author for Psychology Today, Robert Puff, “generous behavior can give you a happier life”. Not only will students have more time to rest, but they also have more time to participate in community service. The efficiency that comes along with the benefits of virtual education is extremely evident in the flexibility of students’ schedules and can make or break their feelings towards life as a whole.

Along with online learning comes the preservation of a student’s time. “No commuting/traveling time to a campus” sets virtual education up to be extremely efficient for students and parents. Transportation is not only bad for the environment and the wallet, but it is also very inconvenient. Whether it be a parent going out of their way to drop their kid off at school or a college student driving thirty minutes just to get to one class, it is safe to say that online education includes a hefty amount of time preservation. Some may argue that online classes waste more time than traditional education because students have to work harder to understand an assignment when a teacher isn’t vocally explaining it to them. While the exclusion of face-to-face, teacher-to-student conversations can be depicted as a downfall of virtual education, the lack of these interventions can also be depicted as a benefit. Students who are forced to understand assignments on their own, rather than being fed answers, will become more knowledgeable and independent. Due to the constant ticking of the clock, time preservation is a true necessity. Online education trumps traditional education in efficiency through the availability of resources, schedule flexibility, and the preservation of time.

Through participating in virtual education, a student gains the knowledge of many crucial life lessons based on responsibility, motivation, and confidence. In an online course, one must pay close attention to due dates, understand the rules and restrictions of assignments, and maintain a passing grade. All of these essentials lead to students obtaining the natural tendencies that come with responsibility. According to Adele Keyser, “allowing your child to do things themselves” is a huge step to responsibility. Allowing for students to make their own mistakes opens an opportunity for them to learn from those mistakes — by themselves. When young people have no free reign to decipher life on their own, they form high levels of parental dependence. Virtual education forces one to do their work without having someone pushing them every step of the way. With online learning comes a student’s ability to push themselves to achieve great things in life — beginning with good grades in their classes. This claim is arguable through the idea that showing up to school every day on time teaches students responsibility. While this is very true, it also takes responsibility to log into a computer and conquer procrastination — and it saves time simultaneously! Crucial life lessons based on responsibility are crucial for students to learn before they enter the “real world” and virtual education is an effective way to teach those lessons.

While virtual classes are essential in teaching students responsibility, they also teach motivation. In order to stay ahead in virtual classes, without a physical teacher giving the students boosts, motivation is naturally learned through online education. Will Erstad, an author for Rasmussen College insists that in order to participate in online classes, one “needs to be highly self-motivated”. While students may find themselves struggling to find motivation, they will end up learning how to motivate themselves — even if it’s the hard way. What may lead to disappointment and discouragement will end up teaching a crucial life lesson.

Some argue that it is impossible for students to feel motivated when they have no one to motivate them. The same author states that “some students may struggle to stay motivated when learning from the comfort of their home”. While this may be true for students who are used to traditional education, virtual students will understand the importance of self-motivation. Later in the article, Erstad states that “online students develop strategies for staying up to date on their coursework”. Once a virtual student has had enough time to adjust to the environment and culture of online schooling, self-motivation will come naturally and follow them into adulthood. Motivation is a crucial life lesson that has the ability to impact one’s entire life in a positive or a negative way. Virtual education increases the chances of using self-motivation to a student’s advantage and leading them into a lifetime of success.

The action of accomplishing an obstacle without the help of those around you results in a boost of confidence. An author for the Child Mind Institute states, “Trial and error is how kids learn, and falling short on a goal helps kids find out that it’s not fatal. It can also spur kids to greater effort, which will serve them well as adults”. Failure is bound to occur in a student’s life — no matter what the environment is; Whether in a classroom or on a computer, people make mistakes due to the solutionless occurrence of failure. Online education includes zero in-person explanation, which can easily lead to students making mistakes on assignments, quizzes, essays, and tests. However, this type of education allows for students to learn from their mistakes without a teacher pulling them towards success. This is a crucial life lesson that will guide a student through their future. From the opposite perspective, it is said that virtual education kills the confidence of students because there is no physical teacher around to help them when they are struggling.

While many hold this logical perspective, virtual teachers have proven to be just as, and sometimes more, effective as classroom educators. The Journal states that online educators “understand who they are teaching, what students are trying to tell them, and how well their students are succeeding in each course”. The computer allows for effective interaction between teachers and students and even offers a pressure for teachers to be intentional about reaching out to their students. The life lessons that are taught through virtual education are priceless. No matter where one is at in life, responsibility, motivation, and confidence are crucial in identifying personal success.

While virtual education is an effective form of efficiency and teaches crucial life lessons, it also improves the overall quality of the educational experience.

Online learning gives the access to subject-matter experts, enhances interaction with students, and gives students equal access to an effective education. With the resources available online, virtual education leads students to be open to the opportunity of discussing important topics with subject-matter experts. The Reading Rockers Website displays video interviews with authors and illustrators. With “more than 130 engaging interviews,” students are given the opportunity to understand authors on a whole new basis. This is a resource that traditional education is missing. It is much more difficult to bring authors to schools than it is to meet with them online. The access to authors and illustrators can help answer questions, inspire students, and keep them entertained with the text they are reading. With this enhanced access to a large aspect of the world, students will experience a more effective educational experience.

Many students find themselves in tough areas of life where the only sources of traditional education around them are unreliable and unable to educate students to their full potentials. With virtual education, students can choose their professors, their courses of study, and the ways in which they learn more effectively. This ultimately leads to the obtainment of equal educational access for all students across the world. An article written by Roey Ahram is centered around the idea that “Urban schools often fail to provide environments of high academic expectations”. Many students find themselves in sticky situations where the only schools in their area are poorly organized. When these unkempt schools are their only option, they find themselves being forced into an ineffective educational environment. In opposition, some may claim that online schooling deteriorates one’s educational experience. This is due to the fact that not all students have equal access to technology due to the high expenses. While virtual education is not always the most financially stable option, it sets a student up to be financially stable in the future. A strong education teaching textbook material AND crucial life lessons will ultimately lead to a higher paycheck and a much happier wallet in one’s adulthood. Virtual education is more effective than traditional education through its offering of a high quality educational experience. The inclusions of this experience, such as the access to subject-matter experts, enhanced student interactions, and the equal access to a strong future, assist in displaying the benefits of virtual education.

An unknown author once said, “Your life has a purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact. ” Learning responsibility, motivation, and confidence contributes to the purpose of one’s life. This purpose is then used to write one’s story. The dreams that we obtain as kids are reachable. With the voice that virtual education offers, these dreams become reality. And finally, the educational experience determines the impact that we make on the world. Virtual learning exceeds the effectiveness of traditional learning through its efficiency, the teaching of crucial life lessons, and the advanced quality of its educational experience. Education is to be taken seriously due to its ability to shape our lives and who we are. The world is waiting for the impact of virtual education. Don’t risk missing out on the opportunity to make a contribution to the impact. Enhance education; Change the world.

Works Cited

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31 October 2020
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