The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Electronic Textbooks

Nowadays, using the electronic textbooks have already been a controversial topic in the society. I had divided the stakeholders into four different aspects, they are the government, environmental organization, school and parents.

Firstly, for the government aspect, using the original textbooks, paper wasting is the most serious problem at all as it will cause the global warming. Also, the prime cost of using the electronic textbooks is lower that the original one as the suppliers need to copy the materials over and over. Lastly, the electronic textbooks are easy to prepare because the students maybe hard to buy the new textbooks at the beginning of the school day, that will make them cannot overtake the lessons or they will need to share with their schoolmates and it will be totally inconvenient. But on the other hand, the government may need to provide financial aid for the grass - roots unit.

Second, for the environmental organization, no doubt, it will be much environmentally - friendly that it can protect the forest in order to increase the habitat for the animals. A organization has argue that polar bears today are thinner and less healthy than those of 20 years ago and marmots end their hibernations about three weeks earlier now compared to 30 years ago. Just because of the global warming, it let the weather change a lot, increasing the carbon dioxide and decreasing the oxygen.

Third, for the teachers’ aspect, teachers may agree to use the electronic textbooks in step of the original textbooks. The is because the teachers can update and download the information easily, for instance, they can update the school materials when they can at home, not to work at school necessary. Besides, it should be more interactive with the students as they can insert the sound, videos and pictures in the electronic textbooks. And for the students, this is because they will always be in touch with the electronic materials, that will cause the percentage of having the nearsighted will be increasing. Finally, if the students bring lots of printed book back to school, it will affect their vertebra, for instance an e- book called On Global Citizenship, written by James Tully. The total number of this e - book is 369 pages. If students bring this kind of thick book, not only one, they may not support. The screen does not have the same type of resolution like print on paper has.

Lastly, for the parents’ aspect, E-book reading devices are surely more expensive than printed books. All devices of e-books require power that’s why parents may need to pay high fee for buying materials and some of the students may cannot afford the maintenance. Moreover, parents may worry about how’s their children studying. Will their children be over addiction? Do the children know how to write all the words as they will rely on the computer and just type the words out. Furthermore, using the electronic textbooks need to be backup since if the e-books lost, all the folders will not be found.

To sum up, using the electronic textbooks still having many problems that we need to concern, the advantages and disadvantages we still need to think twice before action as we need to think of different aspects for that we had used the original textbooks from beginning to the end, we ought to spend more time to adapt.

01 February 2021
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