The Benefits of Drawing Mandalas: A Journey of Self-Discovery

A mandala essay is a type of personal essay that uses the principles of the mandala, a circular and geometric pattern used in Hinduism and Buddhism to represent the universe, to explore different aspects of the writer's life. Before writing about my experience of draeing mandala I will explain its 5 commin symbols and benefits.

Mandalas can vary in symbolism based on the culture or belief system they are associated with. However, here are five common symbols found in mandalas across different traditions:

  1. Circle: The circle is a universal symbol of wholeness, completeness, and unity. It represents the universe and the cyclical nature of life.
  2. Lotus Flower: The lotus flower symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. It represents the journey towards inner peace and the ability to rise above the struggles of life.
  3. Triangle: The triangle symbolizes the three elements of mind, body, and spirit. It also represents stability, harmony, and balance.
  4. Sun and Moon: The sun and moon symbolize the masculine and feminine energies respectively. They represent the balance of opposites and the cycles of life.
  5. Geometric patterns: Many mandalas include intricate geometric patterns, such as squares, triangles, and hexagons. These patterns represent order, structure, and the interconnectivity of all things in the universe.

There are many benefits to creating and coloring mandalas, but for me here are the most important:

  1. Stress relief: Mandalas can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The repetitive nature of drawing or coloring mandalas can be calming and help to promote relaxation.
  2. Self-expression: Mandala art can be a form of self-expression. It allows for the use of color, shape, and design to express emotions and feelings.
  3. Mindfulness: Creating mandalas can be a form of meditation, promoting mindfulness and awareness of the present moment.
  4. Focus and concentration: The intricate designs of mandalas can help to improve focus and concentration. This can be especially beneficial for children who have difficulty with attention and focus.
  5. Creativity: Mandalas can be a great way to stimulate creativity and imagination. The circular designs and use of color and pattern can inspire new ideas and encourage experimentation with different materials and techniques.

As I sit down to draw my mandala, I am struck by the simplicity of its circular shape. And yet, within that shape lies a world of possibilities. The center of my mandala represents my innermost self, the core of my being. As I move outward, the circles represent different aspects of my life, each one important in its own way. In the first circle, I draw my family. They are the foundation of my life, the ones who have been there for me through thick and thin. They are the ones who have taught me about love, forgiveness, and resilience. In the second circle, I draw my friends. They are the ones who bring joy and laughter into my life, who remind me to not take things too seriously, and who support me through life's ups and downs. In the third circle, I draw my career. It's where I spend the majority of my waking hours, and it has taught me so much about perseverance, hard work, and determination. In the fourth circle, I draw my hobbies and passions. These are the things that make me feel alive, that remind me of the importance of play and creativity. In the fifth circle, I draw my spirituality. It's the aspect of my life that gives me a sense of purpose and connection to something greater than myself.

As I look at my completed mandala, I am struck by how interconnected all of these aspects of my life are. Each one influences the other, and together they create the beautiful and complex tapestry of who I am.

04 April 2023
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