The Bogus Moon Landing: Analysis Of The Proofs

What if events in American history were all a farce? What if American astronauts never landed on the moon? This baffles so many people with the fact that the government is hiding plenty of information from the people of the United States. Is this a country full of lies and deceit or is this a country of the great? Somethings aren’t meant to be lied to us. The Moon landing was a silly excuse to say that we made it. It was all just a lie to get ahead of Russia in the “Space Race”. There are many evidence to prove my argument.

If the moon landing was fake then how was it shown on tv? This is the question you may be asking right now. “Sadly to say that it was filmed in Hollywood or deep in area 51….” Back then, technology was advanced enough enough to pull the space effect. To prove this. “The movie Space Odyssey had a lot of advance space simulation in it.” So, that can also be applied to the moon landing.

One of the things that proved he fake moon landing was the flag. It was moving like it was in the wind. “The moon’s atmosphere does not have air.” That means that no wind could possibly been on the moon whatsoever. Understand that ripples could have occurred but, It would have stayed still afterwards since the moon lack gravity. In other, words it should have stop moving right away. Even in video and photos the flag flew in the breeze even though the moon is an airless surface. This does not make any sense.

Another one of the proofs are that the object that was shown on the website showed that there was multiple light sources. Normally, when there is only one light sources all shadows point in the same direction. This proves that there was lights. So, that means they had to be filming or staging this entire time. NASA blames uneven landscape but, light is light it will no make no differ.

The Van Allen Radiation Belt is a line of radiation that is bounded together by the Earth’s atmosphere. It the article Royce Christyn says that they would have been cooked by the belt. Spaceships at the time could have protected them from getting fried by it. The things is that even if they made it they would have still had doses of radiation, which would poses a threat to humans. They would have been sick but, all three men was fine after being exposed to dangerous radiation.

One of the most thing is the unexplained object in the flection of the astronaut helmet. The article says that it look like something is being held up by a string. (Christyn 5) This is another way to prove that the moon landing was filmed in a studio somewhere. If it wasn’t Nasa would have explained what it was right away. They have to realize that they can not keep lying to us about everything. We get curious and start doing research to where we find information piece by piece.

There are things in the pictures that has earth like things in the background. You can see traffics lights and everything. There are more there too. Must have been careless about their work. Evidence is shown in all those pictures that they had to film it. There are literally other people in there still setting up. This looks like a hoax through and through. How can you say you landed on the moon and have all this stuff that do not be on the moon.

A peculiar thing that baffles a lot of people is the fact that there were no stars in the background. There are a lot of other galaxies in this universe. Therefore, We should be seeing more stars from the photo than we do on the earth. There are no clouds blocking them or anything so, we should see them pretty clearly. Stars should be everywhere in the background. It clearly shows that Nasa do not pay attention in details about their little staunt. They did not pay attention to any detail whenever they took that pictures. If we can take pictures from Earth and can see stars. There should be no reason why they could not do the same if they were up there.

One of the most famous photos was the one with a rock with the letter “C” carved in to it. It was a perfect shape of a “C”. Too perfect in fact it is impossible for it to just happen out of nowhere. To put it simply. This a prop for the purpose to film the moon landing. Therefore, it could not have been a coincidence. It could possibly be that one of the set workers forgot to flip the rock on the other way.

One other thing that needs to be mentioned is the spaceship. There was no crated or impact from the shuttle or nothing. If you coming from a very long place at full speed the weight of the object from that speed should left a mark. Can not blame gravity from here because, there is no gravity on the moon. If the astronauts can leave ground and they weigh less than the shuttle then, that is a problem. It should have left a dent in the surface right there.

There multiple backdrops of the set that were used to pull off the fake moon landing. One of them was apollo’s 15 and another was the moon landing one. Apollo 15 were suppose to be exploring the other side of the moon. Why did those pictures look identical? They are trying to fool us but adding a couple of rocks. They are trying to use the same backdrops to film a different scene of the moon. They could not have been trying to get over everyone with that. Nasa even throw in an excuse saying that the moon is smaller than the earth that is why it looks the same. If that was the case, there should be other parts of the moon. Why travel the same space? Those heels are the same and they saying that it was miles apart and saying it appears closer to the human eye which is not true at all.

The one that is most interesting is the government association with this. There is this theory that is called “The Stanley Kubrick Theory”. Stanley Kubrick is the guy who filmed the Space Odyssey movie. It is believed that the government approached him and told him to fake the landing. This would cause the movie to be premiered after the moon landing to take place. This ultimately threw people for a loop. In the movie there were subliminal message hidden inside the movie that was giving off that it was fake. 

I believe that the landing is fake with all the information that I listed above. It make no sense at all how Nasa can say this happened and all these things popping up in the pictures. I can see why all those conspiracy theorist say what they say. I personally do not usually believe theorist and skeptics but, the research that I conducted to get this information to get to the bottom of this say otherwise. 

10 Jun 2021
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