The Comparison Of Schlumberger & Genesys Aerosystems Companies

Schlumberger is the first company that I found on job grid that interest me. Schlumberger Limited is the world’s largest oilfield company right now. They currently have operations in over 80 countries employing more than 100,000 people.

The company originated from two brothers in France in the late 1920s. The early company recorded the first ever surface resistity log well and began expanding from there. They quickly began conducting geophysical surveys across Africa, Europe, and North America. Over the years, Schlumberger continued to expand buying out competition and merging to create a multinational company.

In 1981, the company created the first international data link using e-mail. Since then, the company has made advancements by buying other companies in the industry out. Today Schlumberger considers their services and products to be “more relevant than ever”. The most recent developments in technology have been in well monitoring, lines that can transmit data between surface and ocean floor in real time, and diamond element bits.

One of the main problems of Schlumberger is they seem to wheel and deal. They buy up companies faster they can manage their own and they were fined 233 million for violations of conducting business in Iran in 2015. The other problem with the company is the trend of the oil field. Over the course of three years beginning in 2014, they the company cut nearly 70,000 jobs which was more than half of its work force. The company has a diverse force of Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, and Petroleum Engineers. They also hire math, geophysics, geology, and physics majors.

The main company offices are located in Paris, Houston, London, The Hague, Willemstad, and Curaçao. An interesting fact, Schlumberger was contracted to perform wire-line logging on Deepwater Horizon Rig, but the service was canceled and the crew left the same day of the explosion.

The second company that caught my eye at the job fair was Genesys Aerosystems. It is a small company located in Mineral Wells, Texas. The company primarily offers autopilot systems for fixed wing aircraft and rotor craft. They also offer other avionic services such as maintenance and repair of any electronic systems on aircraft.

The company was founded in 1997 and has built modules for over 700 different aircraft types. Some of their most noteworthy customers are Leonardo, Airbus Military, Air Medical Group, Embraer, Bell Helicopter, Grob Aircraft, and Sikorsky. The company hires a diverse group of professionals including, electrical, mechanical, industrial, aerospace engineers: software designers and programmers; FAA licensed airframe and power plant mechanics, and avionics technicians.

Their main projects are smaller and mid-sized aircraft, the man at their recruiting booth told me they are looking to expand into larger fixed wing aircraft soon. We also spoke about some of their safety features, and they employee four different inertial measurement systems for accuracy and safety. We also spoke about gimbal lock and some of the optimization that is used while the computer flies. Black & Veatch was another eye catcher because they are involved in nearly every industry possible. On their website they list their markets as Oil & Gas, Power, Smart Cities, Telecommunications, Governments, Mining, Banking, Water, and Data Centers. The company is one of the largest private owned companies in the United States with revenues of over three billion dollars.

They have over 110 offices worldwide and have done projects in over 100 countries. Their most recent projects has been working with Tesla Motors to design and construct a car charging network across the United States. Since the company covers a wide array of industries; they hire all types of engineers. They have offices all across the world with most being in the United States.

The world headquarters for the company is located in Overland Park, Kansas. It is kind of frightening to think that a company has such a broad market, but it seems to be working for them so far. At the job fair I spoke with quite many companies. A few were Cummins, Blattner Energy, Halliburton, Black & Vetch, Nevada National Security Site, and Solar Turbines.

The company that I spoke to that I am interested in was Schlumberger. After talking to them, most of my expectations where confirmed. To start with Schlumberger had a huge booth starting the process where you entered your information and scanned your resume before speaking to a recruiter. The recruiters were all young, I assume most had been out of college for maybe a year or two with the exception of one mid aged gentlemen who talked to more serious candidates.

I talked to two representatives and I focused the conversation on the future more than the present. I told them that I was interested in working internationally and they shared with me the easiest way to do that. The positions for engineers that are abroad are either Field Engineers or Field Specialist. The engineering position is kind of an oversight and support position from beginning to end of a project where a specialist is a troubleshooting position. The position of a Field Engineer requires a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline while a specialist position only requires a two year technical degree.

A career with Schlumberger is not a glamorous job to begin with, but a field engineer is one of the worst. It is an engineering job, but the job includes hands on work on the rig platform and well site. It is a job that requires one to be away from their family sleeping in tents and trucks in remote areas. After asking what they were looking for when coming out of college; they said anything that indicates you’re a general problem solver and a team leader.

After you are hired at Schlumberger, they send you to their school to teach you everything you need to know. They said that taking any circuit and system related classes would be to my advantage in college. I asked each one of them what they like most about working at the company. The first gentleman said he liked the ability to move around, he has worked in three different offices over the course of two years. The other gentleman said that he worked as a systems engineer and he liked the responsibility that the company offers. He said that most of the time you have little supervision with tons of responsibility. I am still wondering what he did to become a recruiter.

03 December 2019
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