The Concept And Ideas Of Transcendentalism

Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the 1820’s and 1830’s, in the eastern United States. It was born from a widespread protest against intellectualism and spirituality. Heavily influenced by English and German philosophy, as well as Unitarian and Hindu ideology, its introduction was shunned by mainstream Christianity as well as noted authors and statesmen, due to it’s contradiction of Scripture. Engaging in Transcendentalism would be detrimental for one who is seeking salvation, for it clearly causes one to rely on their own thoughts. One who try’s to be a Christian and a transcendentalist will never be able to a accomplish his or hers goal of being both. The beliefs are to contradictory for it to be a success.

Popular among upper class, Transcendentalism seems that it could be all things to all people among highly educated and artistic. It has a resemblance to a religion without having to surrender ones own feelings. In fact feelings and exploring human intuition is essential for a transcendentalist. Believing that, “each person is empowered to behold within him or herself a piece of the divine. ” (Walden Thoreau, Henry David) cast doubt that a Christian would embrace such teachings. Most committed Christians acknowledge the Bible to be the Word of God. Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. “Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar”, Proverbs 30:5. The movement attracted those who considered themselves as scholars and romantics. A basic tenet of Transcendentalism is that man and nature are good and that societies and establishments create depravity.

Transcendentalists encourage isolated meditation and a disregard of materialism. They believe that the isolation of themselves leads to the founding of ones true self. In Thoreau’s book he states that he never felt his true potential until he isolated himself in the forest. Yet if isolating oneself is the way to a pure life, it already contradicts the bible, and the Christian belief of baring fruits and multiplying. People who practice Transcendentalism will undoubtedly find something, but what they will find is not as important as what one will find through scripture. When they say that someone can withhold himself a peace of divine is not true. Everyone seems to have a different interpretation of the divine. No one can point out the same meaning of divine in the same room.

So anyone can hold the so called divine if their interpretation of it is reachable. As Christians the only thing that is divine is the Lord Jesus himself, and if a christian is trying to find a divine meaning in himself or herself. He is trying to be on the same level as God himself. So that itself is a detrimental practice on that example itself. If a christian is trying to be a transcendentalist and a Christian at the same time he or she is wasting his time. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were among the followers of Transcendentalism. Emerson, an American essayist, lecturer, and a poet gradually moved away from his Unitarian upbringing and social beliefs and began practicing his new philosophical learning, and his works displayed the impact. Proverbs18:1 “whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment”.

As a Christian we are told to evangelize and share the good news. If Christians isolate themselves they are hiding the good news of God. The idea of transcendentalism is a selfish idea in itself, but Christianity is about your brothers and sisters in Christ. So it would be impossible to be able to practice both of them. In conclusion, a Christian will never be able to be a transcendentalist and a Christian at the same time. The ideas that transcendentalist practice are un biblical, and straight up wack. Isolation, and becoming basically a god inside yourself is the opposite of what the Bible teaches and is not a good practice if trying to walk a life with Christ. Although we are suppose to meditate like it says in Psalm 77:12 “I will meditate on all Your works and muse on Your deeds”. What transcendentalism is mediating on is not the same. Christians are suppose to meditate and get to know God better, while they just want to meditate to become divine in themselves. In the long run Transcendentalism is a dead end. Even if somehow they reach the so called divine, their will be nothing peaceful about what will happen after he or she passes away.

10 October 2020
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