The Concept Of Wealth In Society

The concept of wealth can have varying meanings for different people, perspective on life has a big impact on how people see wealth and what it brings. When talking about wealth, we are usually referring to having an abundance of money, or the concept of being rich. Being able to buy anything a person wants at any time and the stability of a large savings fund is often associated with success and happiness. Opposing to the ideals of society being slowly engraved in young minds, wealth is not defined by the money in one’s pocket or trust fund. Wealth is simply the abundance of valuable possessions, which can mean security, love, support, good health, care for and from others. Blessed with a profuse amount of materials does not bring happiness or a legacy to be remembered for, though it can be depicted that way.

In today’s society, wealth refers to material goods and having the money to buy whatever one wants, whenever one wants. The display of people with a nice house, a shiny car, or a gold rolex is used by society to showcase what one should aim for as an adult. Emphasizing the lifestyles of people that live worry-free about paying their bills, such as celebrities, makes the public feel that monetary wealth is the marker for happiness and success. Carolyn Gregoire from HuffPost states, “Americans today, compared to 55 years ago, own twice as many cars and eat out twice as much per person, but we don't seem to be any happier because of it. Rather than rising levels of well-being, we've seen mounting credit card debt and increasing numbers of self-storage facilities to house the things we compulsively buy. ” Consumer culture supports materialistic values which are to blame for seeing materials as wealth and raising one’s social status. It’s time to rediscover the term wealth as an abundance of valuable goods not random materials to fill our homes and provide no purpose or meaning to our life. Understanding what brings a person gratitude is key to becoming wealthy. If one is not grateful for what they have, even a million dollars can feel like a penny.

Society praises material wealth; people with a lot of money are viewed as more valuable and successful than those in the working class or lower. Our society gives privileges to the prosperous upper class and attempts to subtly persuade Americans to spend their money on objects to make them look wealthy. In a practical sense, consumerism is a belief system and culture that promotes consuming as the path to self- and social improvement, and tends to capitalize on this insecurity and use it to sell products. Stephanie Kaza, University of Vermont Environment Professor and Buddhism practitioner, wrote in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, 'As a dominant cultural force, consumerism offers products to address every dissatisfaction. ' The goal in life should not be to have the fattest wallet or nicest car, though there are several businesses advertising how to get rich easy and fast. People today are working for financial gain and not finding happiness in their work because they are consumed with the idea of becoming rich. Happiness can be sourced from many forms of wealth and understanding that it does not only mean money is crucial to satisfaction.

Successful entrepreneurs have been open about their decision to send their fortune to charity after they die, not to their children, to keep them from being spoiled and dependent. These people find the importance in working and finding a niche that others will invest in. While some are blessed with wealth, born into a trust fund, others have built up a successful business and earned their wealth. Either way, the wealth gained is not truly beneficial if the person has no time to enjoy the benefits of it. Many agree, the best form of wealth is when one has the amount of money they want and has the time and people to spend it on. This luxury of a lifestyle is what can give meaning to the wealth that people have at their disposal.

According to the general public, wealth means status and money but materials do not bring any personal gain or fulfillment. There are different forms of wealth, such as an abundance of good health, love, care, family, happiness, and money alone does not bring those values. It is important to not be consumed by material wealth and money. The goal of life should not be to become rich, but society raises young people to believe that money is equal to success and happiness, therefore no one can ever have enough. Wealth has a unique meaning to every person in any situation, but only gratitude will make one realize they have all they need.

31 October 2020
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