The Concepts Of The Biblical Worldview

God created people after His own image. He created man and woman so in a likeness of himself, hoping that would be. Christians follow God and try to follow His teachings and live right. A biblical worldview is following the doctrine of Jesus. Belief and doctrine are very similar and can be considered one and the same within a biblical worldview. The belief that Jesus gives the mentality that He is the truth and the light is told in John 14:6. The biblical worldview is a belief in the teaching of Christian religion and the word of God.

A biblical worldview is very complex, yet simple. Choosing to see the world through the lens of a biblical worldview means that the Bible, and its contents are the governing sources of morals and values in life. The main influence in life is God. Decisions and actions are driven by a worldview. There are many different types of worldviews. For example, a person who does not have biblical or Christian worldview may not believe that God exists and Hell is a real place. Simply put, Christians who possess a biblical worldview believe in God and know there is only one way to Heaven. A person must be saved in order to go to Heaven. God is absolute truth and Jesus’ teachings are precisely correct. A biblical worldview is only effective in a person’s life if the truth of the teachings of the Bible is not practiced in life. Romans 12:2 states, “And be not conformed to this world: but ye be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ” This verse is very important to a person with a biblical worldview because God is telling people no matter what the world is doing, do not conform. The verse is telling Christians that no matter what, stay steadfast in faith and be a witness of the goodness and perfection God provides.

A biblical worldview is an architectural plan of God’s morals. The world cannot mold God’s word into something that is not conclusive with the Bible’s teachings. Many students are anxious about school. Some struggle with learning and this causes them to become fearful and uncomfortable. Students are scare to reach out for help because they feel ashamed. Some students do come forward and ask for help. The Christian philosophy of education encourages all students to be shameless and feel loved in the quest for knowledge. The Christian philosophy of education is to plan to help students achieve goals with the right learning curriculum, while witnessing to students through biblical worldviews. A believer in Christ should support and encourage students. Jesus has always advocated for believers. Being an educator will provide students with direction, just as Christ provides Christians with spiritual direction. 1 Christ shows us spiritual direction with love. “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world. This verse tells students that He supports, teaches, believes in all students. These are important ideas to carry into the classroom. God wants us to use His ideas and teaching to make the world a better place by following Him. Integrating belief and doctrine into the classroom helps me do my part as a teacher to show the students the way to God.

A Christian philosophy should reveal that the meaning and purpose of all education and delivery focuses on character principles defined by a biblical worldview. The questions a student holds about values and the accuracy of those values should be answered through the educators delivery of curriculum. Implicating a biblical worldview in education depends on what environment the educator/student is being taught. For example, private Christian schools have a wide array of ways to link Christian principles into curriculum. Public school educators must be more creative in the way God is integrated into the classroom. The goals and objectives of education are built around a biblical worldview in a private school setting. Methodology and roles of the educator should reflect Christian principles in both settings when the educator holds a biblical world view. Putting beliefs into daily actions is key in education. For example, an English teacher will ask students to journal. This assignment will challenge students to put opinions and ideas in writing. By doing this, a student must think of morality, values and what is right and wrong.

A biblical worldview is comprised of these components; learning, practicing and following the word of God. A biblical worldview should be practiced in all aspects of one’s life. As an educator, it is imperative to take the principles of Christianity into the classroom for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that students may never have another chance to know God, if not in a Christian’s classroom. The doctrine of Christ can be implicated in every aspect of a persons’ life and decision making. A biblical worldview is one that has a core set of values that are unwavering. God is the absolute truth. There are no compromises in what is right and wrong. All people are sinners, but in a biblical worldview, forgiveness is attainable through accepting Jesus.

15 July 2020
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