The Cost Of Education In Us Is Justified

Did you know that the cost of education is higher than any other industry, even health care? College affordability is one of the biggest concerns in the US. A large majority of students choose not to pursue a higher education when the cost of attending college is too high. For example, the tuition fee for Harvard last year was $50,420 USD. Although the cost of attending college is rising and makes students hard to afford, university education should not be free for everyone in the US as free education lowers the quality of teaching, destroys the atmosphere for learning and reduces the benefits received by the society.

Firstly, university education should not be free as it is hard to keep the quality of education at the same level. According to statistics published by School money Organization, tuition fees paid to universities are not only used for hiring brilliant professors to teach students and maintaining the equipment and facilities, but are also invested in various aspects such as funding for professors to do researches and experiments, providing hospital services, supporting institutions functioning and as well as hosting grand events. Therefore, providing free college education would result in insufficient teaching resources and facilities which makes it hard to reach the former quality of education. While it may be true that the quality of education will decrease, the college degree may ensure that one gets a better job as attending college indicates that the person is more capable to complete tasks. However, whether a graduate could be employed does not depend on a graduate paper but the overall ability tested in all aspects. Even if it does, with the supply of jobs remains constant, the increase in college students would decrease the value of college education and may be hard to find a job. Because of this, people may need a Doctorate degree to set themselves apart from the crowd.

Next, paying college tuition fees is a financial incentive to finish college. According to Deborah Kurfiss, “if college is free, students will take it for granted”. That is, free education would make students lazy and undermine the actual atmosphere for learning. By carrying on debt or paying tuition fees, people may be driven to pay greater effort on their studies and make their tuition fee worth it. As a result, they will get more prepared for the society that requires talent and earn a higher salary, which is fair considering their college cost. In addition, they may also learn how to plan for their future by saving money and budgeting. Critics of paying college tuition fee often argue that the loans and paying high tuition fees may make students stressful. According to a speech delivered by Kelly McGonigal at TED, a new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe it is harmful for yourself. This evidence indicates that signs of stress such as pounding heart and breathing fast could be interpreted by the heart is working hard to provide strength and energy, and preparing the person to meet the challenge, which is helpful for a person’s performance. The same applies to students, as long as they view stress as a friend, they will become good at stress and eventually handle life’s challenges.

Another reason why college should not be free is that it is better for the development of society as well as the reputation of universities. According to a survey on the background of freshman in Harvard College’s Class of 2021 done by The Harvard Crimson, most of the freshmen showed the characteristics of solid economic background and leadership trait. Specifically, at least one relative or parent in other freshmen’s homes was an alumnus of Harvard University. Under the support of families, universities as well as the expectation student has on himself, he is more likely to succeed and give back to his alma mater and society. Although some may argue that college should be free as it gives students equal chance to contribute their talents and may possibly narrow the gap between the wealthy and the impoverished, it increased the financial pressure on taxpayers. Technically, free college is not really free. It’s simply transferring the bill to other. In this case, the money paid to schools will come from tax revenue. For instance, if a student could enjoy a free university education for four years, eventually, he will have to pay taxes when he gets a job, which partially goes to the education that the government gave him. In other words, not only will he pay for his own education, but for many others as well, which costs more than before!

To conclude, paying for college education leads the society towards a better one, which makes the greatest good for the greatest people. University education should not be free for everyone in the US due to the reasons that, it ensures the quality of college education, spurs students to take it seriously and perform better, and leads to a brighter prospect. There is no doubt that high tuition fees block the way of students from poor economic backgrounds, but there are alternatives such as applying for scholarships and taking free online courses that makes it possible for students to gain knowledge and find another way to success. Furthermore, students themselves are the biggest beneficiaries of the education, it is not only an investment in themselves but also respecting the education of the university.


  1. Kurfiss, D. (2019, March 27). Should College Be Free? We Answer The Burning Question. Student Debt Relief. Retrieved from
  2. Ross, M. M., Wang, J. M., & Yu, B. P. (n.d.). Meet the Class of 2021. The Harvard Crimson. Retrieved from
  3. Desai, V. G. (2014, August 07). Should Higher Education Be Free? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
  4. Matthews, D. (2013, August 28). The Tuition is Too Damn High, Part III - The three reasons tuition is rising. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
  5. McGonigal, K. (2013). Transcript of 'How to make stress your friend'. TED. Retrieved from
  6. Harriman, D. (2015, February 27). College Tuition: Where Does the Money Go? School Money Organization. Retrieved from
14 May 2021
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