The Court Cases On Racial Discrimination And Their Imoact On Society

Racial segregation is a topic thats plauged history for many years and caused choas in multiple communities. Ranging from restaurants, bathrooms, and water fountains are a few of the places that had limits based on the color of someone’s skin. Court cases were brought to light surrounding this topic to try and gain justice for those who are discriminated against. Plessy v. Ferguson helped make areas for people of color as equal as possible even if it was still segregated from white people. Brown v. The Board of Education helped remove segregation from schools and give equal education to every child no matter their skin color. Miranda v. Arizona dealt with the misaction of law enforcement and helps to protect people in court who are not aware of their rights. Each of these cases impacted the way society has grown in today and how people are treated.

An important figure within the case of Plessy v. Ferguson case was Homer Plessy who refused to sit in a segregated train car because of his skin color. The court “ruled that racially separate facilities, if equal did not violate the constitution” which meant segregation was still seen as constitutional (“Separate but Equal”). This case was one of the first cases to dive further into the meaning of the fourteenth amendment that gives citizenship and equal rights to African Americans. The outcome of this case gave insight to how racial segregation was still occurring and courts would prevent people trying to fight against race segregation. The claim that this case did not go against any amendments which would constitute them as equal but placed separately. The result of this caused many people to be outraged and prepared for the American Civil Rights Movement. People wanted to build cases and prove in court that the idea of separation within society was causing more harm than good to the minorities.

This case was major in deciding that the racial segregation within schools was unconstitutional. It was seen that the difference between white and African American student’s was unjust and not fair to maintain. African Americans had very little funds within most of their departments and because of that, their students suffered. This case turned over the previous idea of being separate but equal set within the Ferguson case and continued to further the Civil Rights Movement. Opting for children to have the best education possible the school district realized that segregation within schools “created in them (African Americans) a feeling of inferiority that undermined their motivation to learn and deprived them of education opportunities they would enjoy in racially integrated schools”. The self worth of a segregated child would never live up to match the standards of the majority. Much of a child’s self esteem grows from their interactions with others at a young age, so many would grow up thinking the worst of themselves. Bringing the difficult concept of segregation to a new light for many people in various communities.

Miranda did not understand his rights before being interrogated by the police. Evidence from Miranda’s case could not be used in trial because it was obtained unlawfully by law enforcement. This instance caused the fifth and sixth amendment to be created and gave the right to refuse to testify against themselves and being guaranteed an attorney respectively. Rights given to the people limit the power the court has and help eliminate the possibility of abusing power. Today the Miranda Rights are read to each person before they are arrested explaining what their rights are as they prepare for the long road of court dates, lawyers, and testimonies ahead.

As history progresses, our society is always changing and adjusting to give everyone equal rights. America is known as the land of the free and for each individual to be equal to one another no matter who they are. This is always important because everyone is human and has many different backgrounds that range from a variety of countries. Each case that was brought into court based around racial segregation helped people see the negative side effects and grow into more accepting mindset we have today. Plessy v. Ferguson showed someone standing up for themselves even if the court didn’t see the issue as segregation. Brown v. The Board of Education gave rights to children to get an equal education with one another no matter their skin color. Lastly, Miranda v. Ariazona brought protection for people in court cases and provides them an attorney if they cannot afford one themselves. Each of these cases brings a new issue of inequality with our society and gradually mends the the holes that litter our motto of everyone being equal in the land of the free.  

16 December 2021
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