The Differences Between Cultures in "The God Must Be Crazy"
The movie was created in 1980, which was definitely the most noticeable decade of apartheid. Even though, it is easier to assess the actions of the past day by means of the present-day analogs, it is necessary to print out that all those actions represent the nature of any particular time. Rather than that, if we consider the movie from the present-day perspective, that proves to offer another interesting set of ideas in respect to the initial message.
In particular, the period of time described in the movie is the vivid depiction of disturbed moments in the world history including the problem arising in the background of the post-colonial African nationalism, the peak period of the Cold War as well as the disastrous condition of the Western Industry. Primarily, the aspirations of the white population of the South Africa in the 1980s can be viewed as that of genocidal nature. The opening scene of the movie was the narrative which appears to be abundant in ethnically and racially driven patronism.
Those non-civilized bushmen are Saan people who were driven to the northern extent due to the European colonial interference. This Saan people are described in the movie as those who do not use any type of modern clothing or any amenities they had for the purpose of resembling the native population. However, the film production actually failed to deliver the appropriate image of the Xhosa tongue. Thus, the sound we can hear turns out to be more exotic, rather than actually Xhosa language. In addition, it is necessary to point out that the film can be viewed in the course of the interpretation of the communistic ideas.
Thus, the character who is based off the image of Che Guevara is called Boca. He is seen as the antagonist of the film. As a matter of fact, the concepts of Communism can be considered as the dominating messages in the movies. The movie was made when the Cold War was at its height, where South Africa was overwhelmed by the influences provoked by apartheid. Even though the desire for mutual wealth as well as equal community experienced by the main protagonist are similar to ideals sought after by the communists, it is necessary to mention that apartheid-led submission is missed along the movie under consideration.
All things considered the movie provides a vivid illustration that emphasizes the difference between the culture of the natives and that of the modern urbanites. This purpose is achieved by means of interactions involving socialized members of each of the parties concerned. In addition, the contrasts are also apparent via the action of the characters in the movies alongside with their value and contrasting worldviews. In the course of the movie we witness the contrasting points as well as the belief that any particular ethnic group is superior to others, as that is seen by each and every character. The culture followed within the Bushmen community can be characterized as rather simple and content, whereas the life pace in the Bushmen culture is fairly slow and relaxed.
There are no social classes within the Bushmen culture. In terms of child raising practices, it is necessary to point out to the fact that bushmen never act rudely in respect to their children, but their children’s behavior at the same time is rather calm and polite. Their original belief is that the most important thing in life is god and relationship. Everything in the world, both humans and non-human beings are highly appreciated by the bushmen. It is noticeable in the movie how they hunt, specifically they shoot an animal with a tranquilizer and only then they wait until the animal would go to sleep. After that they can only kill it. Interestingly enough, they also apologize for killing an animal, as their only motivation is to do that for the sake of their family as to make sure they have enough to eat (Regarding Race, Nation, and Our Future).
Despite the fact that the Bushmen lived under squalor circumstances, this did not prevent them from being happy and satisfied with their level of living. Another vital characteristic of the community of Bushmen was a lack of conflict among its members. In addition, they did not have any concept of the private property, which meant that they eagerly shared their belonging with another. However, the turning point for a peaceful life was when they came across a so-called gift from god, seen as the bottle of Coke. This object was considered to be used for many situations including those when they needed features of a toy, tool as well as a music-maker.
In the course of his journey, the protagonists face the outcome of the civilization that actually prove to be a concern for him. He happens to be unable to understand why he was arrested and put into jail for murdering a goat because as compared to his native tribe there is not as such thing as private property. Later on his was rescued by Andrew Steyn, a microbiologist who is rather a talented scientist, though he becomes rather clumsy every time he confronts the woman he loves, who actually the only female in the territory. She is named Kate Thompson who escaped from the madness of the outer present-day world in to be a teacher at the Christianity mission located in Kalahari.
As a matter of fact, there is a subplot ingrained into the overall plot of the movie, which involves a minor group of revolution activities who are led by Sam Boga. He can be characterized as one of the supporters of Marxist’s ideas. He and his group of followers did not manage to coup in a black-ruled country in the neighboring area. The depiction of the communists in the movies allows viewers to see the film as extraordinary slapstick comedy as the plot in the movie is based off the story involving humor and love. Communist guerillas represented are the reference to the difficulties experienced by the South African government in Namibia.
At the same time, the depiction of the communists in the movie serves as the reference to Cuba as the source of revolution, which in turn suggests that even African governments can be subjected to communism. The portrayal of rebels proves to be incompetent and at the same time dangerous in the context of the South African government’s activities. This it is particularly essential in respect to the rigid control over South Africa and Namibia. Taking into account that black population was greater in number of the large majority, white population of South Africa in turn was afraid of the majority rule. All things considered, the movie under consideration provides and interesting example of work of art, as there are numerous themes and messages being bound together. Even though it is the comedy by nature, the film is an excellent illustration of the major aspects of the human beings’ behavior within its historical context.
Thus, by looking into the movies, it is possible to deduce that the major characters were representatives of different worldviews and in case with some of even particular ideologies. Their deeds and ideas serve as the insights into the human soul as they portray various aspects of human society from different angles. Apart from that, the movie efficiently represents the collision of two worlds, specifically that of the bushmen society which is full of kindness, mutual respect as well as it also possesses a tinge of naivety alongside with the world represented by the urban world that is drastically different from the former one. With this in mind, creators of the film contrast and compare the different worldviews between them and allow viewers to understand the messages ingrained in the context.