The Difficulties Of People Living In Poverty In The Movies "Nacho Libre" By Jared Hess & "Barber Shop" By Malcom D.

In the movie Nacho libre directed by Jared Hess it shows what people in poverty must go through, and what people with power and money choose not to do to help those people. In the movie Barber Shop: the next cut, directed by Malcom D. Lee the movies messages are kind of similar. In the Barber Shop they live in a poor community and they go the people that have thepower to make their community good, but they do not do until they get persuaded to. Nacholibre had the same problem. The orphanage was very poor and the people that had money aroundthem did not help them. That leads both main characters to step up and do what they know is right.

The main character in Baber Shop went down where they have city meeting and toldeveryone what was wrong with the community, and throughout the movie he helped the community by giving back. This is like Nacho Libre because the main character helps thecommunity throughout the movie he doesn’t stop helping. In the Barber shop: the next cut he can help the community by giving out free haircut or having a community barbeque. No matter what you can do for the community, at the end of the day it's still going to help out.

This reflect to today too because we pay more attention to celebrities then we do with people that are in poverty. We get caught up in the good stuff we forget about the bad. The orphans in the movie can be the poor people in our country. They didn’t have anything untilsomeone did something to help. We know that they are there but, in most cases, we don’t doanything until we see someone else do it. In Nacho libre everyone in the church told him that wrestling was a bad thing until they saw what he can do for the orphans. And in the Baber shop:the next cut he finds away for the kids to stay off the streets.

The two movies also show that youcan have fun and do something right at the same time. Nacho Libre, he was able to play the sporthe likes while helping the orphans. It’s the same thing when athletes that play sports likebasketball or football give back to a community. They are helping people while doing the thingsthey love. In the Barber shop: the next cut when the kids are in the barber shop they are havingfun and laughing not going into the streets doing stuff they aren’t supposed to do. Athletes like Lebron James have done things like this, he opened up a school for the less unfortunate, he wasable to play the sport he likes while helping out the community. This is how Nachi Libre and Barber shop: the next cut themes are similar. They both show that you can do things you are happy with while still helping someone or a whole community. And that you can help anyone no matter how small it is.

11 February 2020
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