The Feather Pillow: Analysis of Horacio Quiroga's Story

“The Feather Pillow” by Horacio Quiroga is a book that is about how a woman slowly gets the life sucked out of her. Let's talk about this topic in "Horacio Quiroga's The Feather Pillow Analysis" paper.

When Alicia is taken advantage of, it's like how a mosquito takes advantage of a human during the hot summer, slowly and sneakily draining our blood. Just like how Jordan drains the life out of Alicia. Throughout this book all Alicia wants is attention and affection from her husband, and when she finally gives him a sliver of it, it is not returned. Quiroga uses symbolism, disease, and diction to show the readers how other people can take advantage over other people, and how love is not always returned.

Quiroga uses symbolism to show how one of the main characters is draining the life out of his wife. “The carpet swallowed the sound of his steps”. This excerpt symbolizes when Alicia is sick and in need of attention, all he is doing is pacing back and forth in the living room. “At times he would enter the bedroom and continue his wordless paces”, showing that even in the bedroom next to Alicia he only continues to not say a word to her. After reading both of those quotes that are very similar to each other, you can infer that Jordan continues to suck the life out her just by not saying a word, and is being blind to the situation. “They look like bite marks”, this quote can show that there was a parasite draining the blood out of her, and the parasite symbolizes Jordan. “Not uncommonly found in the Feather Pillow”.

The feather pillow can be symbolized as the something that is making their relationship worse and worse. This helps the reader see how much that Jordan was not opening his eyes, and wanted to ignore the fact that his wife was dying. He was trying to convince himself that he was helping her, but truly he couldn't realize that all she needed was returned love. Jordan was symbolizing the parasite. He was just like it because he was ignoring her when she needed him most, when she needed affection he was not there.

“The Feather Pillow” by Horacio Quiroga is a book that is about how a woman slowly gets the life sucked out of her. Quiroga uses symbolism to show how one of the main characters is draining the life out of his wife. The excerpts I chose symbolizes when Alicia is sick and in need of attention, all he is doing is pacing back and forth in the living room.


18 May 2020
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