The Future Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

Humans today have gone so far into technology that they have created a piece of non living machinery to think and act for itself. Some may say that this could change the way people do their work on a daily basis, but what some may not know, is that Artificial Intelligence will ruin humanity in the long run altogether. The world offers so many goods and services at the expense of manual labor, there is an different method that allows one program to track, record, carry out, and processes certain methods and actions with a thinking pattern that is close to a human brain.

In the 50’s, a man named Norbert Wiener was the first to develop AI, . Not only was there a reduction in labor force in many industries, but there was also an increase in software purchases and most of them were expert systems (programs that make company decisions using logical reasoning). Once this was introduced to the world, new AI systems were already being created, such as Fuzzy Logic Systems, and Neural Network systems that make decisions similar to humans. Examples of these can be found throughout the world and some of them include automated banking, autopilots, stock trading, etc. To many, this may sound like a good thing to society, in reality, there are many threats posed by Artificial Intelligence.

This not only means that society will depend on machinery to do its tasks, but it will also mean that humans will most likely lose their good-will in the process. Jobs will be hard to find, because robots that can think for themselves will be there to do it for free. Also, there is the possibility of those robots, or AI assuming a person's identity. This means that computer programs will be able to simulate real humans. In some cases this could be a good thing but in others it can be very bad. Having an automated healthcare system would be quite beneficial to the world, but to have robots as doctors wouldn’t, only because programs don’t grasp the concept of being alive. There isn’t going to be a killer robot takeover, like the movie Terminator, but instead there will be a society automated by machines. So, is it worth the risk? Some may say yes, and some may say no. For those who say yes, these are the positive outcomes to AI technology.

Pros of Artificial Intelligence have a massive impact on the world, those impacts include education, and socialization. AI has been brought to education for almost a decade, With AI, people across the world will be able to access educational programs through computers. This access to education and information isn’t a bad thing of course, but for AI to be able to access this content would be quite harmful. AI is able to sort and process certain information, but it is also able to access the internet with endless amounts of information and data. This is where AI gets messy. The cons of AI are very harmful, for jobs, and social issues. For instance, companies are replacing human workers with robots, and while production is going up, the number of jobs is going down. The reasoning for this? This is a great thing for an economist, but not so great for average people, because they are at risk of losing their jobs to a machine. Another issue that has gotten a lot of attention is how we should handle and monitor AI.

In conclusion, AI systems in the future that are applied to real-world communications and jobs, have to be watched heavily. The reason is if an AI becomes so smart that it creates a personality, or a form of identity, it may or may not be considered a living thing, and will raise the issue of living between humans and machines in the future. Humans will not know how a machine feels when it comes to viewing humans, but more importantly, machines won’t know what it is like to be a human and will instead pretend how a human would feel or react. So, machines that think for themselves should be watched heavily so that, the question of morality and metal will have clear answers that will favor human lives over machines.

15 July 2020
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