The Importance Of Giving Yourself The Love You Deserve

As our experiences as human beings are all individually unique it’s odd to come to the conclusion that we all strive for the same thing: to do better and to be better, and although everyone gets this type of fulfilment in different ways, all human’s lives orbit around this. In the 21st century there is seemingly a sense of the idea that where you sit in the present isn’t good enough. No matter how many mountains you have climbed, battles you have won, people you have met, nobody has seemed to reach a point in their lives where they genuinely feel satisfied. Humans thrive off the desire to grow and to become better therefore life is meaningless and absolutely not worth living if you have no passion and desire to improve and to grow in any element or aspect of your life. Being an ever-going process, growth has endless paths to travel down as we are constantly on the search for the key to be perpetually happy and have the ability to live a life without any guilt or regrets. To reach life’s full potential, it’s important to guide yourself through a journey full of growth in all aspects of life however having a focus on the love you acquire for yourself and the appreciation you spread to others.

In a world like ours, it can be easy to forget to show yourself some love. Before we can improve in anyway as a person or provide guidance to others, we have to grow to love ourselves and as cliche as it may sound becoming happy with who you are is one of the hardest battles that you will have to continuously fight in your lifetime. Humans have a way of constantly beating themselves up for the mistakes they have made in the past and allow themselves to become overwhelmingly wrapped with guilt only to create a life filled with misery. Not dwelling on the confusion of the past and instead looking through to the future with even more passion and desire to grow past a certain battle you have entailed is the catalyst to reaching all ambitions you crave in life.

Whilst growing up I was told that “you can’t expect someone to love you, when you don’t even love yourself”, but I never really understood what they meant. Of course, I have to like myself, I am the only person who spends every second, of every hour, of every day with me but truly loving the person who I was, who I am and who I want to be is exhausting. I don’t believe that it is possible to be so satisfied with the person you are that you can say you have no insecurities, however accepting who you are and where you want to go in life creates so many more open doors for yourself, opportunity wise and relationship wise, making life more worthwhile. Examining yourself worth and how comfortable you sit in your own skin teaches you the ability to flourish as a person. Loving yourself is allowing yourself to be vulnerable but also knowing how to stick to your morals and values, it is to not be ashamed of who you are and what you want to achieve and most importantly it means to be self-reliant, to be able to have a certainty within your own opinions and beliefs without the constant doubt from others. To love yourself sounds so simple however growing to do so forces you to confront who you are and if your morals and values are set in the right place. Whilst life goes on and you continue to explore the process of being comfortable and happy in yourself, it’s important to come to terms with what you have and what you receive in life as well as the appreciation you feed back into the world.

Growing up in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney makes everything seem very simple. Life revolves around the simplicity of going to school and the weekends, meaning when I came to a small mishap in my usual routine it felt as if it was end of the world. When I was younger I did not have the worldly knowledge to put my “world-ending” problems into perspective outside of my own head creating a painfully dramatised life. Being wrapped up in your own self-conceited bubble, creates a life with no extended knowledge or intelligence as you revolve around your ownself. Learning to grow past yourself and what is going on within the extent of your mind, introduces a new intention to live as you begin to see a more prosperous life by turning things that you once took for granted, into things you are now grateful for. Having a large appreciation for everything that life has blessed you with simply makes life happier. It fills you with content and reassurance to be able to reach your full potential of the best life. Comparing your life to others can be a very dangerous path to go down which can only lead to a nasty sense of superiority or dissatisfaction, so it’s important to keep a level mindset through life. No matter how little or how much you have, it’s appreciated to thank and love the people who go out of their way to supply you with the best life possible given your circumstances or well-being. Having the ability to grow up wary of the people around you instead of just being self aware creates a life of constant support and love, whereas only being involved in your life allows you to become sickeningly lonely, making any life simply not worth pursuing.

Growing up is inevitable, however it’s the way we mentally mature that can make life either worth it or worthless. Giving yourself the love you deserve replaces the doubt in life with fulfilment and happiness, however only giving yourself love can create a strictly self-involved life which blatantly leads to nowhere. Having a balanced life revolving around the nature of loving yourself, giving love and your appreciation for life’s ups and downs, allows you to reach all potential of a life worth living. Examining the life and the mindset you have had throughout it allows you to reconsider the level of the love and appreciation that you have for yourself and the people around you, creating a positive life that is worth living.

15 July 2020
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