The Importance Of Intersectionality

In Intersections: The Simultaneity of Race, Gender and Class in Organization Studies, Evangelina Holvino notes that even though there has been progress in the inclusion of race in mainstream organization theorizing, there has not been much progress in the field of organization development and change (Hovino 2010: 248-9). In the article, Holvino explores what prevents organizational practice and theory from including intersectionality (ibid.:249). Holvino also uses her standpoint as a woman of colour, as well as socialist, poststructuralist and transnational feminisms to identify possibilities for intersectional organizational analyses, and to propose a theoretical and methodological intervention for researching and practising intersectionality in organizations in a forceful and intentional manner.

Although Holvino speaks at length about the history of intersectionality, the problems faced by minority women due to the exclusion of intersectionality in organizations, why it is not included in organization studies, and how it can be included as a framework; the author does not explain why it is important for organizations and organization studies to care about intersectionality and/or an intersectional framework in the first place. Without an understanding of the relevance and benefits of intersectionality and its role in bringing about inclusivity and productivity in organizations, it is less likely that Holvino’s intersectional framework will be considered by organizations and organization studies. Therefore, this paper aims to highlight why it is important for organizations, organization studies and Funders to include an intersectional framework. We will also look at the challenges that organizations and organization studies must be cognizant of when applying an intersectional framework, and we will provide recommendations that might help them navigate these challenges.

Challenges Faced By Minorities

It’s not merely that some days I experience racism and some days I experience sexism..Rather it is that oppression shows up differently for me than it does for black men and white women. - Brittany Packnett (Tugend 2018)

According to the White Men’s Leadership Study, “32 million white men hold leadership positions” globally, with six million white men holding leadership positions in the United States of America (U.S.A)(White Men’s Leadership Study 2013). Only “19 Fortune 500 firms are led by people of color, and only 21 of these companies are led by women... Almost 75% of Fortune 500 boards are mainly comprised of white men” (Francesco 2017). These statistics show that white men dominate organizational leadership positions. This results in “the experiences, talents, and leadership” of non-dominant groups being overlooked (Abad 2017). Clayman Institute researcher, Melissa Abad, highlights the following barriers that perpetuate the exclusion and suppression of people of colour in white-male dominated organizations:

Women of color report being criticized or mocked for their physical appearance; they also experience extreme isolation and routinely have to navigate exclusionary dynamics and awkward interactions where they consequently have to educate members of the dominant group. Many have experienced sexual harassment. While these women report enjoying their work and having ambitions for leadership, they continuously have to navigate a workplace culture that impedes their visibility and belonging. Men of color interviewees also reported experiencing challenges in managing workplace relationships and often feeling undervalued. (ibid.)

As a result, minority workers have to “tread cautiously to avoid upsetting the majority group’s sensibilities. Put simply, they can be visibly black, but don’t want to be perceived as stereotypically black” (Wingfield 2015). In addition, employment inequality exists even among women, as white women dominate in higher paid managerial positions, while minority women dominate “lower paid positions” (Acker 2004; Browne 2000; Glenn 2001 as cited in Hovino 2010: 257). It has also been observed that white women have a ‘special place’ in organizations (Brazaitas 2004; Frost 1980 as cited in Holvino 2010: 254), and that they have “benefitted from their whiteness in a racist and heterosexist system,” as a result of their association to white men (Holvino 2010: 254). Holvino argues that the liberal feminist paradigm in organization studies makes the white female experience the experience of all women (ibid.: 255). This “white-wash dilemma” characterizes women in management and women’s leadership research; resulting in a “change agenda” centered around ‘equal access to opportunities for [all] women; thus ignoring dominant cultural assumptions such as hierarchy, meritocracy and individualism” that “reproduce inequality and oppression” (ibid.).

The Benefits of Intersectionality and Inclusion

According to Huffington Post, one of the characteristics of a successful organizational culture is its ability to embrace diversity (Rozen 2017). Employees of different races, classes, ages, genders and sexualities are beneficial to an organization because they bring a unique set of experiences, skills and perspectives (standpoints), which result in innovative, creative, effective and inclusive workplaces and problem-solving. In fact, racially diverse teams have been known to outperform non-diverse teams by 35% ( 2019). Teams where the number of men and women are equal, earn 40% more revenue, and bilingual employees bring in 10% more revenue (ibid.). It is therefore crucial to include intersectionality in organizations and in organization studies, because it not only increases revenue but it also provides another perspective to an otherwise white-male dominated narrative and work culture.

Representation matters, especially in organizations and organization studies, because it creates the ability for employees to influence organisational policies that improve their working conditions, and thus their involvement and impact within the organization and society. According to the 2019 Staples Workplace Survey, 63% of employees would not work for an organization that does not actively include women, minorities and people with disabilities (Staples Workplace Survey 2019). The same survey shows that 41% of employees would take a 10% pay cut to work for a company that cared more about employee wellness (ibid.). Therefore, harmonious, inclusive and empathetic working environments decrease employee stress levels, allowing marginalized employees to perform better, as they are better integrated within the company. This increased productivity directly affects company profits and it allows minorities to contribute positively to the company, industry and economy. Inclusive working environments will also increase employee morale and staff retention in organizations. The 2019 Staples Workplace Survey shows that 68% of employees would consider leaving their job if they did not feel supported by more senior employees (ibid.).

By excluding or ignoring intersectionality and the use of an intersectional framework, discrimination and inequality will continue to go unnoticed or unresolved in organizations, resulting in unequal, toxic, low-output working environments that perpetuate the exclusion of marginalized employees from opportunities, resources, networks and promotion. It is not that marginalized groups do not want to participate in organizations because they are ‘lazy’ or incapable, but they are prevented from doing so by discrimination, exclusive company culture and policies, covert sexism, racism, sexual harassment, patriarchy, and exploitation within organizations and society. However, the process of adopting an intersectional framework and thus making organizations and organization studies more inclusive, is not without its challenges. With an awareness of these challenges, organizations can implement strategies to mitigate them. Therefore, the following section delves into challenges and recommendations for organizations implementing an intersectional framework or approach.

Implementing Intersectionality

“Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity outperform their competitors by 15% and those in the top quartile for ethnic diversity outperform their competitors by 35%” (Atcheson 2018), yet many leaders justify their exclusion of intersectionality with the argument that “cognitive diversity” (the diversity of each person's unique life experiences) is a greater priority (Power 2017). However, it has been noted by Rhett Power, that this is merely an “excuse to maintain the status quo.” According to Forbes magazine, another “barrier” faced by organizations when implementing “diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives, is getting White males on board with D&I efforts” (Gassam 2018). “Resistance from organizational leaders, and particularly White male organizational leaders, can make the quest for a more intersectional work environment far more challenging” (ibid.).

Another reason for this resistance, is the misconception that implementing an intersectional framework in organizations “gives minorities an unfair advantage without the skills to properly perform the tasks required of them” (ClearCompany 2019). However, “diversity doesn't mean giving some candidates an unfair advantage over others. Workplace diversity initiatives exist to correct imbalances that are already present in hiring practices and office politics” (Power 2017). With that said, simply hiring more minorities is not the only solution to the lack of inclusivity in organizations, as Gino Francesco notes: might expect that in organizations where women and minorities are at the top, they’ll try to help others like them climb the organizational ladder. Yet, this popular belief is not supported by data. In fact, research suggests, it is women and nonwhites themselves who often impede the advancement of their own peers. They do not advocate for them when positions come open or there is an opportunity for a promotion, and they do not provide the mentorship and support that everybody needs to navigate their careers successfully. (Francesco 2017)

These exclusive practices among minority employees, are a reflection of the white male dominated organizations that these minority employees work in, where they are only accepted or included by these organizations, if they conform or collude with whiteness. This sentiment is echoed by legal scholars Mitu Gulati and Devon Carbado who argue that “...while everyone needs to create and put forth an “appropriate” workplace identity, for members of minority groups—women of all races, racial-minority men, LGBTQ people—this becomes particularly taxing because their working identities must counter common cultural stereotypes” (Wingfield 2015). It is no wonder then that “the White Men’s Leadership Study found that when implementing D&I initiatives, conflict is inevitable, so organizations should equip themselves for some level of resistance” (Gassam 2018). Below are our recommendations to effectively navigate these challenges, and foster inclusivity in organizations:

  1. Provide an intersectionality training workshop - An intersectionality training workshop can make heads of departments, managers, human resource managers and other company employees (those of minority and non-minority backgrounds) aware of intersectionality, its importance, and any unconscious biases that they might have regarding race, class, gender and sexuality, that contribute to inequality in the workplace. In order for training to be effective, we advise that trainers be minorities themselves, as they will have a nuanced understanding (standpoint) of the experiences of minority employees, and are therefore better equipped to deal with intersectional issues and conflicts in the workplace in a sensitive and authentic manner. Intersectional training workshops will not only be an important first step in fostering empathy and understanding among employees in organizations, but it will also ensure the effective integration of minority employees. These training workshops will also provide non-minority employees with a better understanding of new intersectional policies and their benefits, as well as provide them with a safe space to voice their fears, questions and concerns regarding intersectionality and intersectional organizational policies. This will help them understand that intersectionality is not a threat, nor is it about hitting arbitrary quotas that disadvantage them.
  2. Introduce policies and incentives for the inclusion of minority employees in organizations - “Bringing minority hires on board is only half the battle” (Power 2017). In other words, merely hiring more minority employees for the sake of meeting quotas or for the ‘optics’, is not enough. It is therefore crucial - especially for white male dominated organizations - to create an organizational culture that embraces minorities and provides them with opportunities to grow within the organization. This can be done through the implementation of equal opportunity policies that encourage the hiring of more minorities to restore balance, as well as incentives that encourage the mentoring and promotion of low-level minority employees by senior minority and non-minority employees. Existing senior employees (minority and non-minority) can also be incentivised to collaborate with and/or interact with new and existing minority employees. As mentioned earlier, when employees feel more wanted in a company, they are more likely to stay. Therefore organizations need to ensure that minority employees feel seen, heard and valued, and that they are provided with a safe space to voice their wishes and concerns. Existing non-minority employees might question whether these new policies and incentives are beneficial or necessary. It is therefore important for senior employees in the organization to address these concerns by reassuring these employees of the necessity and benefits of these policies and incentives, without dismissing their fears and concerns.
  3. Create a safe space to address employee conflict, concerns and challenges - As previously mentioned, the introduction and implementation of an intersectional framework is not without its challenges, and it can sometimes result in conflict. To mitigate this, we recommend that organizations hold regular, mandatory meetings where employees can voice and address any conflicts, challenges and concerns relating to working with minority employees, intersectionality and intersectional policies and incentives in the workplace. “Including white males in the diversity conversation requires dialogue that is honest, frank and straightforward and gets at the underlying role that each employee may play in perpetuating stereotypes and discrimination” (Gassam 2018). Therefore, these meetings can also be an opportunity for minority and non-minority employees to learn about each other and their biases (without deflecting, defending, dismissing or silencing), and it can also provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of existing intersectional policies and incentives. Included in this, is ensuring that there are measures in place to hold accountable those who attempt to perpetuate and maintain the status quo. It is also important that employees hold each other accountable, especially at these meetings. Being that they hold the majority of leadership positions in organizations, white males are especially encouraged to make other white male colleagues accountable for their actions, by calling them out when they behave in a manner which is discriminatory to minority employees.


In conclusion, although intersectionality and the application of an intersectional framework has its challenges and is not yet mainstream, the pros far outweigh the cons. As the world becomes more globalized and therefore more diverse, we believe it is imperative that organizations and organization studies implement an intersectional framework. Using the above-mentioned strategies can help organizations to effectively implement intersectionality in a manner that brings about inclusion, increased employee wellbeing, and increased productivity; which translate into increased revenue for organizations. As previously mentioned, diversity should not be implemented for its own sake. Instead, organizations and organization studies should “promote diversity because heterogeneous workforces are better, stronger, and more able to adapt than homogenous ones” (Power 2017). In addition, Forbes magazine argues that “a White male who has a work confidante that is a person of color, is much more likely to mentor, promote, and sponsor employees of color” (Gassam 2018).

However, this shift will not take place unless organizations, organization studies and Funders realise the importance of intersectionality, and invest the necessary time and resources in implementing an intersectional framework in their organizations. In order for the adoption of an intersectional framework to be implemented effectively in organizations and organization studies, leaders (or members of the executive committee) need to take the initiative and lead by example. This sentiment is echoed by Procter & Gamble’s brand manager Latasha Woods, who says “We need leadership that truly cares about inclusion — a lot care about diversity, but how do you foster inclusion?...People spend a lot of time on what they know the boss cares about. If they see [that] the boss cares about inclusion, they will too” (Tugend 2018).

07 September 2020
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