The Importance Of Writing In The Medical Field

Writing is the act of spreading your knowledge way to people all around the globe through electronic text or physical text in the idea of books. The main purpose of writing is to enhance the knowledge of the people who mainly came after you and also can be used as a financial aid to the writer, to make a side profit.

Another reason why writing is so important, is that it can be used as a sort of communication where distance or any disabilities might come in the way. In these cases, cortical use of words and in their correct form can be really important for people who are trying to enter the medical or transportation field. It is a very good example of writing used during disabilities, is for the people who happen be deaf for lost the ability to speak. Another very good example is writing for the people who are blind, in which a special language has been created for them called Braille. It is so important that I can be found on almost all medical drugs in the pharmacy. As medical students who we graduate as generals or maybe specialize into one of these paths, taking all of this information is really critical and a necessity.

How to become a better writer:

Have a topic in mind. Deciding on the topic might be the most difficult this especially in the beginning phase. The reasons are that deciding on the topic well effect the people who will be interested in reading your topic therefore can affect popularity, income and even fame of the writer himself or Herself. Just look at the Diary of the wimpy kid series and how it changed the life of the writer or the Harry potter series.

Goals and Inspiration. After deciding this topic, ask yourself. Why am I writing this book or article? The reasons is that, you are writing something while you are thinking about something else, you might make the tone of the text so unattractive that you lose the people who decided to read from you.

When you have a goal, things can be done easier and faster with less effort which probably why the general public never became writers, because they never have the goal that writers had. Some writers also write in the name of someone special, like their parents or friends and this can be used as a inspiration or writing.

18 March 2020
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