The Influence Of Ancient Greece On Modern Western Civilization

Pericles, a successful Athenian orator, general, and statesman once said, “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. ” These words are especially relevant when considering the legacy of Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek Culture paved the way for modern Western civilization. Its influence can be seen primarily in government, math and science, and architecture.

In 507 BC the Athenian leader Cleisthenes invented democracy, the United States of America has thrived under 200 years of democracy. The word democracy derives from the Greek word dēmos which referred to the entire citizen body. In ancient grease they held a rule that a male citizen 18 years or older could speak or vote, today we still hold that rule but with male and female citizens at age 18 years or older has the right to vote. A trial by jury today works much the same as it did in the time of ancient Greece. After hearing the final arguments of the defendant or their legal representative, the jury – which consists of 12 citizens in the United States – leaves the courtroom and enters deliberation. In most states the jury begins by electing a foreperson or presiding juror. The presiding juror facilitates the discussion and often delivers the verdict. The bailiff serves as the intermediary between the judge and the jury, and also ensures that no one communicates with the jury during deliberation.

In nearly all cases, the jury must come to a unanimous decision of either guilty or not guilty.

Many of ancient Greeks scientific and mathematical techniques still live today. One of the most successful mathematicians is Archimedes, he anticipated modern calculus, geometrical theorems, and learned to calculate the area of geometric shapes including the circle and sphere. Some of Archimedes other achievements include coming up with an accurate approximation of pi and designing effective levers and pulleys. One of his famous quotes was, 'Give me a lever long enough and I will move the Earth!'. Some other significant scholars are Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, and Aristarchus some of their inventions include the first model with a sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth turning around it, first to calculate the circumference around the earth, and the first models depicting the movement of the sun and the moon. All of the achievements are things that we still use today.

Today in our modern architecture one of the most common thing we have taken from the ancient Greek architecture is the column/pillar, we had learned and received many facts and info from Greek architecture. The ancient Greeks being an extremely religious people, many of the architectural structures erected in Greece were designed with the gods in mind. Today we have resembled them through their architecture like hoe they how they have temples we have monuments and buildings, like The White House, churches, and government centers.

31 October 2020
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