The Interrelation Of Prayer, Leadership And Reflection

In Thessalonians 5:17 it states, “Pray without ceasing” (ESV). Every day, multiple times a day, and whenever you feel the need to do so, pray. When praying for yourself and others, a person should be specific in what they are asking God to do for them. Reflection is taking a serious look at yourself and deciding if changes need to be made. Through prayer and supplication, God will make the crooked lines straight and give you strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Our leaders of today need prayers. Yes, they can pray for themselves, but when others pray for you, an abundance of blessings will overflow. My reflection for prayer is for several leaders in different capacities. Prayers for my pastor, my boss, my friend who is an educational leader, my uncle who is a pastor and currently running for justice court judge, the mayor of our city, my sorority sister who is president of our local chapter and my husband who is the leader of our home.

In my prayers, I ask that God bless each leader and give them the wisdom to guide their flock, city, students, employees, sisters and family in the right direction and make decisions for the betterment of everyone involved. I also pray that each leader has their own personal relationship with Him and that in everything they do, consult Him first and He will lead the way and direct their path. Change does not happen overnight but with constant prayer, it will eventually come. In praying for these leaders, I have seen some positive changes. When in leadership, the decisions a person make is not just about themselves, but a multitude of people who depend on them. The changes I have witnessed have not been huge ones, but changes which are moving in a positive direction. That to me proves one thing: prayer works! He may not come when you want Him, but He’ll be there right on time. That’s what my grandma used to tell me and I am a firm believer that saying.

One example of a change that occurred in one of the leaders I prayed for is my sorority sister. She is the president of our local chapter and she deals with so much being our leader. She is a person that wants to help everybody she can without thinking of herself. She stays representing us in one form or another and most of her weekends are occupied. I have spoken with her on numerous occasions to discuss her taking time for herself and her not being able to be there for everybody all the time. I have been seeing subtle changes in her where she is now balancing her home life, work, church and sorority life. I’m proud of her for doing this as this will keep her from being tired and burned out on one thing.

Another example of a change in a leader I prayed for is my husband. He is a selfless person and tries to do what’s best for his family. He doesn’t always make the best decisions, but he has faith in God that everything will work together for our good. He works out of town a lot to provide for us and makes sure when he’s home to spend as much time with his family as he possibly can not knowing when he will have to leave again. I appreciate the changes I have seen in him the past few months knowing that God is not only hearing but answering my prayers. Through prayer, my view on leadership has shifted. I thought at one time that being a leader meant having this control to where people under you do what you say and what you say goes.

Now, having taken classes that discuss leadership in detail, I have a better understanding. Being in a leadership position requires guidance and direction from God. Without having his infinite wisdom, a person will not be able to lead anyone or be productive in any position because you will fall eventually. Being a spiritual leader will help you love difficult people, comfort you when criticism come, forgive when you’ve been wronged, give you the confidence to try again when you fail and control your speaking as to not hurt others with your words. Proverbs 18-21 states “The tongue has the power of life and death” (ESV).

In conclusion, prayer, leadership and reflection go hand in hand. Without prayer, you cannot properly lead and without taking time to reflect on yourself, you can’t help anybody else. Power and prayer must not be separated and to make informed decisions as a leader, you must stay in tune with God and continue to pray.

15 April 2020
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