The Issues Arising At All Time High In The U.S.

Teenage Pregnancy In The U.S

Do you want to have a baby even earlier? Do you believe you would be a perfect parent even at the age of 16? Are babies just super cute and irresistible? Have you watched 16 and Pregnant and decided this is the right path for you? Well, teenage pregnancy is an option! Are you between the ages 13-19? Perfect! You’re a candidate! Becoming pregnant as a teen is a great idea. You get to know and take care of your child longer, know how to care for children and babies, relate to your parents, there’s financial support for young parents, and you can even share clothes with your child as they grow older, and you’re so poor that the only way to go is to be richer! If you believe that it’s the perfect time to bring a child into this world, then you go for it! It doesn’t matter if you’re only 16. You might even be a better parent than most 25-50 year olds. In the United States alone in 2015, around 229,715 babies were born to parents who were aged 15-19 years old. 3 in 10 teenagers will become pregnant when they are under 20 years old. Parenthood is the leading reason teens drop out of school. Hey, no more school! As a result of this, less than 2% of teen moms earn a college degree by the age of 30. This means teenage parents will never find a real job and have to live off of food stamps. Fortunately, 8 out of 10 baby daddies will marry the girl they got pregnant! That’s higher than anticipated! So go ahead, if you believe this is the right path for you, then consider it. If not, that’s fine too.

Drug Addiction Legalization?

Drugs have always been a significant issue in every single country of the world. Drugs not only take away some people’s pain, they are fun to use! There are many kinds of drugs such as addictive painkillers, marijuana, cocaine, heroine, etc. Many know that the government is aware of the drug problems, yet the government seems to not take any action. The United States is a nation of laws of badly written and are very randomly enforced considering the huge drug issue. One solution is legalizing drugs. This way, many restaurants and companies can start using drugs in their products! This will certainly boost the economy, right? McDonald’s could start selling marijuana laced burgers and Starbucks can invent a weed frappuccino! Maybe companies can make even more money and there will be no more debt. Crime would probably decrease as well, no more sneaking around to buy drugs! Celebrities can avoid being caught doing drugs and getting in trouble, which is very embarrassing. People will no longer have to go to jail for doing what they love! The amount of money spent to try and help those who are addicted to drugs will go straight to helping other causes such as homelessness.

With all the extra money laying around from all the rehab centers, there will also be more for schools and police forces. More jobs will also be created for various kinds of people. The estimated cost of drug abuse exceeds $190 billion. The effects of drugs are staggering. Drugs are just like being stuck in a tornado, you have no way out of it and when you try to take control of it, the tornado gets stronger and stronger. Some examples of the long-time effects of drug addiction include drowsiness, slurred speech, depression, insomnia, etc. Also, when you do drugs, it is very likely you will isolate yourself from others. This causes families to drift apart and relationships can be ruined. The major question is, if addiction can be successfully treated in many facilities, then why do Americans ignore their issues with drugs?

Eating Disorders Are At All Time High

Eating is one of most people’s favorite things. Food is super delicious and even fun. People love food so much that they even plan days around going out to eat. But, for some, eating is scary. Eating disorders are a huge issue in the U.S and many other places as well. There are many kinds of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. One of the best kinds is anorexia. IF you have anorexia, odds are you are very skinny and boney. Most people develop eating disorders because they think they are too fat. Well, if this is the case, then anorexia is what you need! Anorexia means you barely eat, right? Well, it actually means you obsess over every single thing you put in your mouth and this causes very excessive weight loss. Anorexia is a spider crawling in every corner. Always there, and never seems to go away even with how much bug spray you use. One scary benefit of having this mental disorder is that you are guaranteed to be skinny. You will walk into work/school and someone is bound to say “Oh, she/he’s as skinny as a toothpick! Nowadays, being skinny is the expected ideal body type for both women and men. About 50% of people know at least one person with an eating disorder. People should really be reaching out to their friends who are struggling and offer some help. 95% of Americans with an eating disorder are ages 12-25. Those numbers are concerning considering those are very young and fragile ages to be harming your body. Harming your body is one effect of having any kind of eating disorder. Some side effects include anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, fatigue, etc. It amazes many that such illnesses portrayed as intense starvation can devour so much. Eating disorders are a parasite, it sucks up your will to continue living, breathing, and your existence.

Poverty Issues Arise

Poverty has been at an all-time high recently. In these past few years, more homeless people have been seen roaming on the streets than any of the years before. Thousands of Americans are crowding spaces in the streets and alleys. There are so many homeless people that all of the cardboard boxes in the U.S are used. Oh, they also rummage through trash just to find an appropriate sign to use to try and forge money. This can actually be a great way to make money, they can work at a recycling center and help separate recycling and trash! When the people that are privileged enough to have food throw it away, this creates a person in extreme poverty to be nourished! Then, people will no longer feel badly about wasting food. On the bright side, those who are in poverty always have an option of simply moving to a homeless center to be well fed and taken care of! The poor only care about being taken care of, rather than doing anything themselves. They are given food stamps and government care for sitting and doing nothing. Walking is the ideal way to get around in poverty, so no worrying about those expensive gas prices anymore. Many say poverty is a disease. When individuals in poverty end up in jail, they expect the rich to bail them out. For what? In the world, around three billion people live in poverty. Over three BILLION people live on less than $12.50 a day. The U.S and many other countries need to really start stepping up their game before everyone ends up poor due to the corrupt system. The irony of poverty is that the U.S can’t afford it. Millions of dollars are spent on helping people in poverty and this just makes the U.S sink more into debt every second. One solution to this poverty issue is a “Help A Homeless” program. Rich people all over the U.S will help fund a person in poverty and will pay for food, rent, and education. This way, the U.S will be an all-around better place and nobody will be homeless/in poverty anymore!

13 January 2020
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