The Leviathan More Principality Than Republic

As a result of human self sufficiency, the Leviathan cannot be defined as republic but rather more of a principality considering that the structure for Hobbes’ ideal society must be achieved through the social contract between the sovereign preferably being a monarch, and the people in order to attain civil peace and social unity. Nevertheless, the Leviathan cannot function without the obedience of the people, and the people cannot function without the obedience of the Leviathan or else the contract will be broken.

Some key terms to define at first are the differences between the Leviathan, a republic and a principality. By Hobbes’ definition, the Leviathan is a metaphor for the artificial state consisted by all of its citizens that are literal members of the leviathans body whereas the sovereign is the head of the Leviathan. In contrast to a republic, Machiavelli describes this state as previously ruled by one individual or more whereas the representatives of the government are selected by the people of the state. In relation to Hobbes, the Leviathan cannot be accepted as a republic since Hobbes believes that humans are power hungry creatures and are intrinsically selfish. Thus, having more than one leader could result in wars which is an idea Hobbes fought against. On the other hand, Machiavelli would describe a principality as a self reliant Prince in charge of making all the decisions for a state whereas the people must obey or else face punishment. This would also include Machiavelli’s ideal prince by obtaining relationships between their ministers and clergymen. Similarly, the Leviathan can be considered as a principality since Hobbes favoured the idea of monarchy as he preferred one individual to be the sovereign of the state.

In order for the Leviathan to consider the idea of a principality and reject the idea of a republic, Hobbes unfolds his concept of the state of nature as one way to illustrate how people are selfish whereas politics brings the worst out the worst in people. With this idea, he refers to the necessity of a sovereign as he explains the development of why government is required. Hobbes portrays the state of nature as a state without a government, no laws, or common power to control human nature. In Chapter XIV, Hobbes states that “the condition of a man is a condition of war of everyone against everyone in which case everyone is governed his own reason and there is nothing he can make use of that may not be a help unto him in preserving his life against his enemies” (Hobbes s.4, 81). Thereby, everyone in the state of nature has equal access to all of nature’s offerings meaning that anyone is capable of hurting anyone as people are intrinsically selfish especially over nature’s scarce resources. As Hobbes views life as everyone versus everyone, government must be formed with only one sovereign who is required to control all the possible dangers one individual may do to harm another. Thus, Hobbes models the Leviathan after the contract by individuals in order to avoid the brutality of natural condition as we are all power hungry yet dangerous beings. With that being said, a republic cannot represent the Leviathan as Hobbes believes that humans are too selfish and have a thirst for power meaning that there must be only one individual to protect the state as the sovereign.

An individual leader is required into sovereignty in order to protect rational people from the dangers brought by other rational beings. In order to escape the horrendous idea of a non-governed state illustrated in the state of nature, Hobbes suggests that the contract is what maintains the relationship between the sovereign. As a contract, individuals are agreeing to give up their rights to a sovereign by following their rules which will result in their protection from the dangers one can place upon another. In Chapter XV, Hobbes states that “there must be some coercive power to compel men equally… by the terror of some punishment greater than the benefit they expect… and to make good that priority which by mutual contract they acquire” (Hobbes, s.3, 89). A sovereign is developed by rational people who choose to live without fear of being defeated by stronger people. Thus, the individual sovereign becomes the ultimate power where people give up their natural rights such as killing others. In this case, a sovereign is capable of punishing the wrongful individual while as a result, society can function without the fear of danger inflicted upon others. As the Leviathan as an authoritative force, it does whatever they need to do in order to maintain peace.

In regards to Hobbes’ social contract theory, he continues to agree to the Leviathan acting as a principality rather than a republic. Considering that Hobbes favours monarchy, he believes that the state would run more efficiently if power is exercised through only one mind. In order to avoid a war of men against all men, Hobbes argues that the sovereign must be a very powerful figure as he thought of all human beings to be intrinsically selfish. Thus, a powerful figure such as an individual King is necessary to hold down ill natured human beings. In Chapter XIX, Hobbes states “that a monarch cannot disagree with himself out of envy or interest; but an assembly may; and that to such a height as may produce a civil war” (Hobbes, s.8, 121). This example falls towards Hobbes’ favoritism in monarchy in regards to the concept of a principality as he refers back to the fact of selfish humans coming into power for self gain. Thereby, it is Hobbes’ greatest interest for a monarch to be the sovereign rather than two individuals as they are forced to share their power whereas if there were to be one ruler, he cannot create conflict with himself. As a result, a monarchy or a principality would be considered as a more efficient system as political decisions are allocated from only one mind instead of several to determine the fate of their state.

Overall, the Leviathan can only be defined more of as a principality considering that the structure for Hobbes’ ideal society must be achieved through the social contract between the sovereign and the people in order to attain civil peace and social unity. The Leviathan can be accepted more as a principality due to Hobbes’ preferral towards monarchy. Nevertheless, the Leviathan cannot function without the obedience of the people, and the people cannot function without the obedience of the Leviathan or else the contract between the two will become broken.  

01 August 2022
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