The Main Lessons Learned From Upton Sinclair'S The Jungle

The turn of the century from the 1800s to the 1900s was rough, especially for working immigrants. Most immigrants worked until they died, literally. Working conditions were rough and with very low salaries; most families could not afford to eat, buy clothes, and pay their rent so they cut back where they could to have the money they needed for survival. The most targeted group was the immigrants, especially if they did not speak English. Immigrants had issues that only other immigrants could be related to, which is why immigrants usually lived in the same neighborhoods. In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle there are three main lessons learned by the immigrants: to be careful of whom you trust, use your money carefully, and put family first.

Immigrants needed to learn who they can trust very quickly because if not, they will be scammed and cheated until they had nothing left. The Rudkas/Lukoszaite family did not know anyone when they came America nor did they speak good English. It came to their realization very quickly, that some people want your money and nothing else. One afternoon, Ona, Teta Elzbieta, and Marija meet up a realtor to discuss the house they saw in the ad. The price was so good and was unreal, they had to see what it was all about. When they informed Jurgis on what was going on, he felt like he had been cheated and taken advantage of. The realtor was manipulative by not telling them all the additional fees that were included with the rental of the house. The banks could also not be trusted and there could be a bank run at anytime of the day. One day, Marija saw a crowd near the bank and grew curiosity, so she pushed her way to the front of the crowd. After successfully getting to the front of the crowd, she had to go home and get her banking book. Coming back in a panic, she was told to stand in a line and all she could was hope her money was not stolen.

Many immigrants, if not all entered America empty handed and it was imperative that they found work quickly. The value of money was grasped briskly. Housing was very unaffordable and most of the immigrants lived in tenements. A normal tenement can house 15 people. Living in a tenement is very hazardous due to lack of sanitation. At one point in the novel, the majority of both families were working and attempting to make it by. Since wages were so little, even one loss of a job can cause a change in living for the whole family. Money sent Jurgis into a spiral; he started working longer hours, had different jobs, and eventually started hurting people for money.

No matter the circumstance, family should always remain first. After the move to America, both of the families had difficulties finding housing that was large enough for all family members. Encouragement played a big factor in the families life, because they all needed each other. If there was every anything that had to be decided, the family was in perfect harmony, before the discussion was over. The family always had the mindset of what was best for the family. The family faced many hardships such as when Dede Antanas, Ona, and Antanas died. Another difficult trial faced by the Families is when jurgis abandoned them. Immigration was difficult and there was constantly a bump in the road, that had to be passed by the families in the novel.

The Jungle can be a guide to those who are moving to a new country and face similar obstacles. In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle there are three main lessons learned by the immigrants: to be careful of whom you trust, use your money carefully, and put family first.

10 December 2020
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