The Need For Uniqueness Scale: Overview And Reflection
The Need for Uniqueness Scale is an instrument designed to measure your need for uniqueness. In the article “Individual Differences in Need for Uniqueness” written by C. R. Snyder and Howard L. Fromkin it has shown through data that people exhibit a need to divulge their uniqueness in numerous situations. In their study, different people have displayed diverse degrees of uniqueness motivation that results in individual differences. To simplify, one person may have a strong eagerness to be unique, while another person would rather have a low need for uniqueness.
To understand the differences between people who have a higher level compared to a lower level need for uniqueness is to analyze how each would describe themselves. An individual with a high need for uniqueness has shown that they dislike being the similar to other people; the way they dress, act and think. Next, they are a fond to be the one that stands out in a crowd.
Lastly, they like to express how they personally feel and think despite what others may think of them. An individual with a low need for uniqueness has shown that they would rather be silent and agree with people than cause a disagreement. Typically, they evaluate why others would say and do certain things instead of questioning them.
Finally, they would rather receive direct instructions to do a certain task than to figure one out. That being said, after completing the Need for Uniqueness Scale, it states that scores lower than 98 indicate a lower need for uniqueness, meanwhile scores higher than 108 indicates a higher need for uniqueness.
My results have shown a score of 120. Therefore, the scale states that I require a higher need for uniqueness. I partially believe my score reflects me personally to a certain degree. With the examples I stated previously, I do agree with how I am the type of individual who would rather be quiet and listen to what others say and do and analyze why they would make that decision in a professional setting. However, when it comes to a social environment, my character enjoys standing out in a crowd by wearing something different and contributing my thoughts to casual conversations. I feel that this shows that when it comes to a professional framework I am afraid to speak up and share my thoughts and ideas because I think about what others presume and think I am weird to think in a different way. I do feel that it affects my level of happiness because I seek acceptance from others when the only person I need to accept is myself. Self-acceptance can be defined as, “an acceptance of yourself as you are, warts and all”. When a person is able to accept themselves, they accept all the features of themselves. The good, the bad, and even the ugly. When we are self-accepting, we learn to even love our flaws. Self-acceptance can influence our happiness because when you have more self-acceptance, the more happiness you will allow yourself to obtain, acquire, and appreciate. In other words, you enjoy as much happiness as you believe you are deserving.
In conclusion, having a high score for a need of uniqueness it also represents a higher need of self-acceptance, and self-acceptance is a step closer to happiness.