The Parthenon As An Example Of Earth-Rooted Architecture

Earth rooted architecture are buildings that display with extraordinary power the Earth and its representation show to the world.


The Parthenon, displays the conceptualization of earth rooted architecture by vegetative supply and fruitfulness, most recommend or is a representation of protection. Moreso, since the fullness of the earth envelops its extent in pitch-black, the earth also recommends enigma and mortality. The location of the Parthenon, for instance, is for certain A-one in this honor to this locale of Chartres, due to the fact the bastion is an earthly midpoint that overpowers a general cotyloidal placement. Thus, the Parthenon stresses by persistence both the luminescent massive rockiness of the limestone drop offs of the bastion and the shimmering pearl hues of Athens. Oppository, it triggers off the deep chromatic hues of the Mediterranean aura and waters and the grayish greens of the surrounding ranges that stretch outwards towards the looping shades of blue of the water like the crooked stems of a massive blossom. All these components of the terra firma would be visible without the Parthenon, of course, but the Parthenon, whose pillars from afar rise up like roots like a stem like a flower, encircle these component tightly so that their bonds increment to the brighteness of each. Conjoined they rise from the ground from which the Parthenon laggardly and wonderfully erects.


The Parthenon is also extraordinary in mannerism in a shape it proves a soft yielding to gravitational force. The diagonal oblongness of the construction proceeds equivalently along the solid ground of the bastion with the regular rhythm of its upholding pillars and silence their ascending driving force. Gravitational force is allowable and stressed in this peaceful steadiness — the grasp of the terra firma is assured.

Raw Materials

When the substance of architecture is comprised of totally or comprised or in vast portions of incomplete components supplied by earth, especially when they're from the location, these components tend to represent and assist in unveiling the naturalness of the terrestial planet. In retrospect, rock, lumber, and dirt in an unprocessed or an equivalent unprocessed manner are much more impelling than metal, concrete, and glass. If the Parthenon had been sculpted made out of concrete rather than out of domestic Pentelic rock — the stone pits can still be viewed from afar — the buildings would not expand from the dirt naturally, and some of the expression of terra firma would be depleted. Also, if the coating that regularly much of the Parthenon had stayed, the result would be substantially decremented natural than current. Note, however, that that overpowering hues were terra-cotta reds, hues of the world.

This concept is important to show tourists and others importance of these architectural wonders and how they are created and meant to be viewed in nation and world perspective. It's important to show highlights of how these breathtaking wonders are emphasized when they were first sculpted and how renovations made them famous and prosperous in history. My interpretation of earth-rooted architecture is architectural wonders that are not created by natural resources but are man made and are created for the world to enjoy for this purpose as well.

The structure demonstrates the concept as the raw materials being comprised of rock, lumber, and dirt and other materials show that this concept was used to create this illustrious wonder. Just as inscribed in the section Raw Materials is where it is viewed. It shows it in the diagram itself. It deepens it as I've seen pictures in history books, in websites when I pulled up information for class reports, watching videos for my classes in high school for mythology and such, so yes.


  1. Martin. Humanities Through the Arts. [Purdue University Global Bookshelf]. Retrieved from
09 March 2021
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