The Pax Romana: Period of Peace and Prosperity during the Reign of Octavian Augustus

The Pax Romana was a period of peace and prosperity that lasted more than 200 years, from 27 BCE to 180 CE. This period helped Rome flourish with inventions, government, culture and many other advances. This all began with the rule of Augustes ceaser, after the death of their last ruler julies caesar. Augstes wanted to guarantee law, order and protection within the empire. He was willing to achieve these goals at any costs even if it meant that they had to be isolated from the rest of the world. Augusts caesar conquered many more territories even though Rome was already vast, he decided to travel westward and conquered other territories that were forced to affirm allegiance to Rome.

Octavian Augustus developed the framework for the period of peace and prosperity throughout 180-200 A.D., defined as Pax Romana. Due to the current nervas adoptive system of selecting emperors that had good stability and huge success due to the impact of nervous adoptive system, emperors didn't act impulsively towards military threats against the empire but acted wisely. Several tried to reduce casualties as well as avoid any conflict, aided by all these factors in the rule of Pax Romana. This was a period of when Rome’s mission had been achieved. For instance, in addition to expanding their empire Romans were able to defend the Rhine-Danube River frontiers from German intruders thus giving them more land and resources.

A further reason for Rome's prosperity is attributed in its remarkable constructive law that the Romans designed roads that covered as much as 50000 miles from Scotland to Euphrates. They even enhanced harbors, cleaned up flooded swamps, cleared forest, and created desert irrigation networks. Rome was able to acquire freshwater through aqueducts and was able to bathe a large number of people. The sanitation system's effectiveness improved the standard of living. Materials were exported around the Mediterranean Sea, as well through roads that were kept safe by the Roman army and were connected through the silk road of central Asia.

However, throughout that period of time, stability had been a crucial factor, which indicated there must be unity inside the empire. For instance, Hellenism was a religion implemented around the Mediterranean that introduced great unity amongst leaders. Throughout the late Roman republic Rome acquired Greek scientific progress and Roman philosophy medicine and geography writers used Greek models sharing human perspective of the Greeks they valued human understanding and accomplished this cultural unity among leaders underlying the Pax Romana.

Another example of how peace was brought towards this period was the improvement in the treatment of slaves and women. The freeing of slaves also become more widespread during the empire because of less conflicts at the time slaves were worth a fraction of a population. Citizenship was granted to free slaves. Furthermore, the treatment of women had improved until the Pax Romana women had to live under her first father's power and then her spouse, now women could own land and even if they wanted to divorce she could keep the land and a father couldn't force his daughter to marry against her will. Without approval from husbands, women could make business arrangements. Rome's highest level-class women had good opportunities.

Therefore, all of these factors contributed to the construction of this prospers period. They assisted in creating a prolonged period of peace, stability, and prosperity. Thanks to Augustus he was able to gain political and was able to create an empire, he brought a sense of peace. He will forever been known for having accomplished Rome’s.

01 August 2022
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