The Priority of Ethics and Morals

In this essay on ethics and morals I chose to talk about it. As I read the chapter of one book, I began to reflect and understand that being a moral person implies rationally seeking a way to live better, or leading a good life together with other people, being a responsible, free and thoughtful person. 

I believe to each one of us, a characteristic distinguishes us: to be able to choose how to act, because we decide and justify our actions. As a human being, I can distinguish between good and bad, and likewise, express why I consider something good or bad. So, choosing to be a moral person may be a challenge. I say it this way because feelings are involved. I think that sometimes the facts are neither good nor bad, but I value them according to the impression that certain facts cause me. For example, a fact that causes me displeasure, I will classify it as bad or negative, or vice versa, if I like it, I will classify it as something good or positive. 

Similarly, I believe that freedom has a place in terms of being a moral person. I understand that, I, like everyone else, have the power to do the right thing and avoid what is wrong and can make me a person without morals. 'Moral compass' concept that I found very interesting and that has remained in my mind since the discussion of the week. And it makes me understand the moral concepts, that is, the good, the bad, the appropriate, the inappropriate, the values that come at the same time from a correct or incorrect conscience, are those that allow me to act in a certain way in the face of various situations. I definitely believe that these concepts are developed thanks to the example of my parents or teachers since childhood and continue to strengthen for better or worse for the rest of my life. 

Doing the right thing, this issue has always been present in all-time societies: good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. In all aspects of our life ethics is present: it is a way of acting, of thinking, of facing life. Unfortunately, in today's society there is a growing lack of values, which start from high levels, and through all levels of society. Without going any further, life in politics suffers from this lack of scruples that causes me to wonder if ethics and politics are compatible concepts. Moreover, the chapter talks about promoting happiness, which I consider something important. I was thinking if promoting happiness is a matter of ethics and I came to the conclusion that yes, it is. I definitely think that people are looking for happiness in their life, although in many cases they do not know, in reality, what they want. And to be honest, sometimes I feel this way, of not knowing what I want, but it helps me to think that happiness is an engine of life. Just as emotions drive me, happiness for me is an objective, although sometimes I don't know how to achieve it. And I think less in an environment as stereotypically hostile as is the workplace. But I am sure that we can be happy in life and be happy at work. It's just a matter of attitude and behavior. 

To end up essay on morality and ethics, a few months ago, I read about duty based ethics and as I read this chapter I remembered that. It is the ethic that leads us to behave as we should at all times. When we are children, our parents tell us things and the way we have to behave. And it is later when, our maturity is greater, that we are understanding what we were told at the time and we are assuming and internalizing it. Moreover, consciousness is sensitivity, judgment, deliberation and tendency to action by will. For example, once I am not indifferent to the pain of others and I say 'I have to help this person', there is a human being in need, I feel emotionally involved and compelled to do something. Here the will and sensitivity are operating. 

In conclusion to essay on ethics and morality, this chapter made me reflect on how moral and ethical conscience is the ability to feel, judge, argue and act according to moral values in a coherent, persistent and autonomous way. And above all, make morale a priority. 

08 December 2022
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