The Purpose Of Rhetoric In Our Life

Rhetoric for me is an instrument designed to persuade multitudes, and convince listeners or readers who might not share your same feeling or thoughts. Furthermore, rhetoric can help us to express ourselves well and to transmit our ideas in a clear manner. In the other hand, it can be also a language frequently absent with sincerity or significant content especially in the political field when rhetoric it is used to get votes. Writers also use the rhetoric when they are writing to an audience for a purpose within a genre.

Depending on the audience the content of rhetoric can be changed, that is the importance of understanding its values, beliefs, and points of view. The audience is the key to a successful way to transmit the message, and increasing the ability to accomplish the purpose of writing. Also, we need to take in consideration that some part of the audience might want knowledge while the other wants to be entertained.

The purpose is another factor related to the audience in which the writer attempt to bring topics of interest to the reader. The purpose is the focus of your writing in where you can transmit to the audience your personal experiences, or provide knowledge that your readers need or want to know. Once the writer has his purpose elaborated and selected his audience he needs to know which genre is going to be more effective to make his rhetoric more attractive.

Finally, we have the genre which is the platform in which the writer is going to build his purpose to then transmit it to the audience. Different categories or document designs in which the author needs to follow the structure and style in each case depending on the genre. If a writer wants to write a scientific report addressed to a group of students in a university as his audience, and his purpose is to defend some theories, then he will need to follow the method or practice established by selecting that genre. In that case, the scientific report needs to have different sections like a title, abstract, introduction, method, result etc. Furthermore, when we write and we choose a genre we are compelled by the conventions of itself.

Rhetoric is in every aspect of our life, and we use it in every moment. In my case, I use rhetoric in my professional life as a salesman because customer services are one of my duties I try to express myself in a polite and clear way to my audience which is the client. I use as a genre text messages and e-mails with the purpose to provide information that my readers (clients) want and expect to gain their trust.

I think we can never escape rhetoric because life is full of it. Posters, commercials, magazines, everywhere you look, there is some form of rhetoric. Then it depends on us how we want to use it and in which ways. Plato, one of the philosophers in Classical Greece described rhetoric “is the art of enchanting the soul', if rhetoric is winning the soul by discourse let’s take that advantage in our favor and use it to conquer the audience by speaking correctly and writing well.

10 October 2020
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