The Reasons For Cosmetic Surgery Gaining Popularity

Cosmetic surgery – a term that is prevalent in our society today and make many people desire for. We can simply define it as a procedure that use medical techniques to improve our appearance. Cosmetic surgery is initiated by an individual who wants to change the physical appearance of a feature such as eyes, nose, lip…Undergoing a liposuction, reconstructing the face or enlarging the breast are the dream of many people, they want to look like their idols. Who wasn’t once dazzled by the beauty of the models and stars that someday he or she saw on TV or in a fashion magazine? On the other hands, an individual may also use cosmetic surgery to change disfigured body parts and give them a smoother appearance, they just want to live a normal live and be loved by people around them. Well, they can focus on living their lives instead of worrying about the way others are looking at them. And the reality is that we seem to judge on others’ appearance as a habit, so it’s totally rational to want to look good and to be accepted in a society. It’s obvious to see the physical benefits of cosmetic surgery, but the emotional benefits can many times be greater than the physical rewards.

Recently, I read a story about a Korean girl who implement cosmetic surgery because she was always be isolated from the society around her from when she was a kid till the year before university due to her appearance. “Hey, Pig Kang! Hey, Pig Kang! Ew Pig Kang”- That’s how my friends in elementary school shouted at me while I was eating and then ran away when I faced them. I still ate and ignore the offences, I didn’t really mind their comments. Another day when I was alone in the playing ground, they came again…“Did you see her body? She totally looks like a pig”. They was laughing at me.

I chased them and fought with them. Yes, I was a brave girl, I didn’t just sit back and played a victim but every time I fought back, the bullying got even worst. One time, they knocked the door when I was in the washroom. I tried to shout out in order to make them open the door“You’re strong, break the door!” – they repliedI was confined for a day, cried but no one rescued me. It’s not winning the fight that victim wish for, but they wish not to be a part of the fight or the victim of attack. I decided to lose weight. I was starved myself. And all my hard works finally make me a thin girl. The bullying stopped for a while so I thought I became a normal person now. “You are so ugly! Such an orc! Don’t get close to me” My high school friends hurted me. After all, I never be able to become a normal person. I was isolated again. I started losing my hope in survival and about to commit suicide but my mom prevented me in time. “We can take you to a surgeon! Now, start a new life and enjoy it”- My parents told me. I took a cosmetic surgery and become beautiful. I started my university with new me. It changed my life a lot. I no more get any offences or bullying. I made a lot of friends and really enjoy my university life. What her story interested me is how it addresses the issues and complexes regarding one’s appearances. It showed the societal pressures that many people, particularly young women, often go through. It specifically touches more on the expectations and societal pressure of beauty standards in South Korea. South Korea is very much about beauty and aesthetics. It’s very obvious in its dominating and popular beauty industry and the popularity of Korean media. If you didn’t know, South Korea is also very well known for plastic surgery. It cannot be denied that cosmetic surgery enhanced our body images.

In fact, when you look good, you feel good. Improvements to appearance naturally translate to increased self-confidence for most people, which means a greater willingness to try new things or open up in social situations. You may also be willing to wear certain types of clothing or participate in activities you tended to avoid before your surgery, due to your discomfort with your appearance. Body image and self-esteem directly influence each other — and your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. If you don’t like your body (or a part of your body), it’s hard to feel good about your whole self. "It's a fundamental need to have a good sense of self. Without it, people may become pathologically unhappy with themselves, and that can lead to some very serious problems. " – John Taylor professor of the FSU Department of Sociology. His study showed that children with very low self-esteem, or what the researchers called self-derogation, were 1. 6 times more likely to meet the criteria for drug dependence nine years later than other children.

Building self-esteem is crucial. When we learn to love ourselves, we strive for a better life — a happier relationship, a more fulfilling career or recovery from addiction. But changing the deep-rooted feelings we have about ourselves isn't easy and often experts recommend some form of therapy. Body image matters. As part of self-image, it’s linked to key aspects of emotional and social well-being and the healthy development of human. Body dissatisfaction is tied to critical mental health problems such as eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. Mental health benefits can be gained from plastic surgery procedures as well. Some people see a reduction in social anxiety after their surgery, due to the new feelings of self-confidence their new look inspires. It is not unusual to feel greater control over your life, become more willing to take on new challenges, or take charge of your life in a whole new way. In some ways, cosmetic surgery serves a role in the improvement of physical health. For example, breast reduction surgery improves the body contour, but it may also relieve physical discomfort like neck and back pain and skin irritation from disproportionately large breasts. According to Dr. Law of North Carolina-based board-certified plastic surgeon, a breast reduction can also dramatically result in enhancing a patient’s ability to engage in exercise activities. Excessive breast volume can be a significant impediment to intense aerobic exercise.

Also, Rhinoplasty is another surgical procedure that has the potential to improve not only the aesthetic form of one’s nose, but also the function of the treatment area. Many patients seeking rhinoplasty have associated obstructive breathing symptoms arising from the nasal airway and these issues can be corrected at the time of rhinoplasty surgeryAttractive appearance also helps to get more opportunities which will lead to more success. Some studies suggest that people that are more attractive may enjoy more professional and personal opportunities. A 2012 study published in Applied Financial Economics found that attractive real estate agents were able to sell properties at a higher price than agents that were not perceived as attractive. Other studies have also found attractive people tend to make higher salaries and get selected for promotions more often. Social situations, even job interviews and professional success is often influenced by image. Those who are more attractive may be more likely to get a promotion or job offer than other candidates. So, by undergoing cosmetic surgery, you may set yourself up for success in other areas of your life.

Besides that, most people are going for cosmetic surgery because they have the urge to be better accepted by the society, be more involved in a society and prevent discrimination. In America, there’s a history of Asian eyes and racism. Propaganda signs at the time of Japanese-American imprisonment during World War II or when the Chinese Exclusion Act was in force during the 19th and 20th centuries depicted characters with hyperbolized slanted eyes to dehumanize Asians. To illustrate, in “Jap Trap, ” World War II Propaganda Poster Racist depictions of Japanese and other Asian immigrants were common well before World War II. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the U. S. government mass-produced propaganda posters showing racist stereotypes of a Japanese — fanged, slit-eyed, devious creatures. The Japanese was often pictured in the form of ugly and frightening animals, such as rats, bats, and other vermin. Japanese were being categorized due to their appearance. Philosopher Aristotle’s belief that, “Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction” remains as true today as in ancient times. Many immigrants from Asia to North America have to face with racism of the community because of their looks. A lot of Asians or Asian-Americans don’t like single eyelid because it makes them different from other native friends. In that case, double eyelids procedure can help you be more normal in that society. Research published in Clinical Psychological Science reports that plastic surgery patients could experience more joy in life, a higher sense of satisfaction and greater self-esteem. The study's authors looked at nearly 550 first-time patients and more than 260 people who had always wanted plastic surgery but ultimately decided not to go through with the procedure.

All in all, cosmetic is a personal choice, we should not restrict freedom of choice. Certainly, there’s an element of danger involved. But why shouldn’t we let people undertake dangers in the pursuit of beauty, and higher self-esteem? As humans, we are in charge of our bodies and should have the right to decide what we want to do with it. Cosmetic surgery is getting more and more perception because technological advances make procedures less invasive, financial plans and loans make the cost more affordable and media attention to it is also likely to play a role in promoting and normalizing cosmetic surgery.

18 May 2020
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