The Relationship Between Poverty And Mass Incarceration

This assignment demanded a bunch of research. I used the Georgia State Library database to find all of my resources. The resources I found ranged from newspaper articles to journals to essays. Included in my resources were three peer-reviewed journals, one for each topic question. These were the longest read out of the sources I found, ranging from twelve to twenty pages. Reading was very prevalent in this assignment, and there was a good deal it. After I read and cited a source, I wrote a small summary. Each source needed a summary, so in total there are nine summaries to go along with the nine sources. The process wasn't too difficult, just time-consuming.

Robert Defina and Lance Hannon's article, "The impact of Mass Incarceration on Poverty," identifies the relationship between poverty and mass incarceration. They state that over the past few decades, U.S. poverty rates have stayed high in spite of large financial development, and connections can be made with the increase of incarceration rates during the same span. This article investigates whether the mass detainment rates of the previous 30 to 40 years have increased poverty and obstructed advancement toward a decrease. The evidence provided by the authors suggests that detainment rates have fundamentally expanded poverty. The authors conclude that the destitution rates would have fallen significantly over the years if mass incarceration wasn't a thing.

The article, "Injustice under law perpetuating and criminalizing poverty through the courts," centers around how the framework of the courts uphold poverty by creating high bails, fines and charges, and throwing a crappy public council to defend the accused. Judge Lisa Foster focuses on the fact that poor people cannot afford the fines and bails, or even a decent lawyer. The author notices the Bail Reform Act which embraced that naturally ordered way to deal with safeguard may not force a money-related condition that outcomes in the pretrial confinement of the individual. The article additionally specifies an expansion in fines and expenses is a big factor in mass imprisonment. She discusses that there are obstructions that restrain access to justice against individuals below the poverty line.

Authors Robert H. Defina and Lance Hannon discuss that as of late, their investigations have led them to believe that mass detainment has created damage to the families and networks of those detained. In "The Prison Journal," an article about the effects of mass incarceration, Defina and Hannon present research on the effect of imprisonment rates on poverty amongst children. Utilizing a board plan for North Carolina region information, the authors unravel the impact of imprisonment on destitution from the impact of destitution on imprisonment. They evaluate the outcomes and conclude that mass detainment has created a larger number of children in poverty, especially those of color.

This type of research assignment was pretty similar to what I have experienced in the past. Most research assignments I came across in high school were designed in the same kind of way, so completing it wasn't very difficult. The one thing I have never done, however, created a research question. I have never had to research for a research question, so that was definitely an obstacle that I encountered. The other thing I haven't faced before is three different research questions. In the past, its choose one research question, find sources, and write a summary for each one of those sources. In this particular assignment, I had to research three different questions and topics. Even though I didn't struggle with this, I think next time I would like to find more newspaper sources.

03 December 2019
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