The Results Of Attending ASU

When I was a senior in high school, Angelo State University was my number one choice. Since my freshman year of high school, I knew I wanted to peruse my dream of being in the Business industry, but I was not quite sure of what specific career I wanted to go for. When I was aware I wanted my major to be accounting I knew Angelo State University was for me. The results of my decision to attend Angelo State University has benefited me in many ways.

ASU happens to be extremely close to home, it is one of the best colleges in Texas, and it is cheaper than other D1 colleges. In addition, I have three siblings to guide me throughout my four years of college, and I have a place to live in San Angelo, TX. I am from the small town of Bronte, TX that its population is nine hundred and ninety-nine. Bronte is only thirty-four miles from San Angelo. Attending ASU has many perks because I can easily go home whenever I want. Since Bronte is so close without a doubt I could go every weekend if I wanted to. Hometown friends can come visit me whenever they want considering that I am attending Angelo State which is not far from home. Seeing my best friends from high school more frequently is probably one of the best benefits living only thirty minutes away. Not only my friends can come visit but also my parents. Chances of me missing my mom and dad are rare because I get to see them every week considering that they live in Bronte. Attending Angelo State University has made my life a little be easier because I save a fair amount of time compared to other student students that takes them an hour or more just to visit their family and hometown.

Angelo State University has been ranked as one of the best colleges since 2010 by The Princeton Review. Since my freshman year of high school, I knew that I wanted to be in the business industry. I was determined to go to a school that would help my dreams become reality. It was an easy choice for me to decide to attend Angelo State University because it is known as a business school. ASU provides an undergraduate and master’s degree in the Department of Accounting which is the major I plan on graduating with. Mostly all my classes that have to do with my major happen to be in the Norris-College of Business which is a wonderful place to further my education for my future career. The result of my decision to go to Angelo State is that I am lucky to graduate from one of the best schools in the State of Texas. My decision on attending Angelo State University had to do with the outcome of the cost. Compared to other universities Angelo State is significantly cheaper. With ASU’s tuition being affordable it gave me an opportunity to go to college. My parents could not afford for me to go to another college that was not ASU because of how expensive other universities can be.

The price of tuition was something I always kept in my mind when choosing a college. I knew I did not want to go to a university where the tuition per semester ranged from ten thousand dollars and up because I do not want to spend all my time paying for any student loans after I graduate. However, I got extremely lucky when I made my decision to attend Angelo State University because I was blessed to receive grants from the financial aid office. With grants and scholarships, ASU appeared to be the perfect choice for me because it is a university that my parents and I can afford. The outcome of my choice of picking ASU is having three siblings that have attended Angelo State University who can guide me all through my four years of college. My older brother and sister have graduated with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. However, I still have another brother that is currently going to ASU and plans to graduate in the spring of 2019. It seemed ideal for me to go to the same college as my siblings because I knew they would inform me of what to expect while attending Angelo State. I was not a big fan of the idea of going to a different university from where my siblings graduated from. Having siblings that have graduated from ASU gives me comfort because they are willing to help me in anything for me to succeed.

As a result of attending Angelo State University, I am blessed to have a place where I can live. With my older sister already living in San Angelo, it appeared ASU was an obvious choice. Knowing that I won’t have to deal with finding a place where I can live has made my decision of going to Angelo State worth it. Living with my sister is going to save me a lot of money because I won’t have to pay for rent or the dorm fees at ASU. I only would have to pay for half of the bills and other expenses while living with my sister which is way cheaper. In addition, if I lived in the dorms I would have to deal with moving out at the end of the year, but since I have a place to live in San Angelo I don’t have to worry about that. Instead of driving back and forth from home to ASU every day, I get to live close to campus. My sister’s house is only about ten minutes away from the university which gives me plenty of time to get ready in the morning and drive to school without being late to class. Perusing my dreams meant for me to further my education at a college that benefits me overall. Angelo State University is so close to home, is ranked as one of the best colleges in the state of Texas and is cheaper than other D1 universities. Having three siblings that have attended the university and a place to live in San Angelo are all important effects of my decision to attend Angelo State. The outcomes that made me choose ASU as the university I plan on graduating has helped me realize that I made the right decision.

18 March 2020
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