The Rise Of The Political Correctness Movement In Australia

Language is what many consider to be a true reflection of society. Like its attitudes, language is consequently always changing to reflect the ideas of society. Language in all forms serves a purpose for humans to communicate. Like Ying and Yang, both are inextricably intertwined and simply cannot exist without each other. Change in language are almost always a result of societal change, while social changes are also a result of linguistic elements. Ultimately, both are fluid and constantly shadow each other back and forth.

The rise of the political correctness movement has become increasingly important in our contemporary society. 15 years ago, referring to the human race as ‘man’ or ‘mankind’ was widely accepted within society. However, as the use of social media became more prevalent, a greater number of progressive ideologies emerged. Within years, the social networks became primarily dominated by these ideologies, forcing a new norm of language upon the users. The whole ‘political correctness’ movement was simply the desire to create awareness of lexemes in society that would be considered ‘offensive’ or ‘disrespectful’ to minorities. However, while social values continually change and develop, thus altering is language in the process, there is no denying that a changing society is inextricably intertwined with language change. Neither exists on their own nor progress on their own, as each casts their shadow upon each other.

The use of inclusive language has risen to prevalence in the recent years, and is a crucial element of the politically correctness movement. Such is a case of tertiary education organisations adopting these ideologies into their functionality. Last year, Curtin University in WA released an inclusive language guide, which students are heavily advised to follow. Such extremities were reached so that students and staff . Words such as ‘business person’ or ‘fair and sporting’ are used as alternatives to lexemes ‘businessman’ and ‘sportsmanlike’. These changes were made to remove and extinguish any present connotation that ‘sports’ was indefinitely related and specific to men. In much of the same direction, the Australian company QANTAS released its comprehensive language to staff members in March last year. Its purpose, to promote inclusion within the company, where staff are advised against using terms such as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ but rather substitute more general lexemes such as ‘spouse’ or ‘partner’. These changes within each institution is simply language changing to shadow changing societal values.

Another big push within the whole ‘politically correct’ movement is the desire of the use of gender neutral words within our society. Whilst the idea may seem to be absurd and somewhat extreme, there is a belief that language is the primary reason why society today and previously, has had a sexist culture towards women. For example, when ‘God’ is mentioned, an immediate assumed gender is assigned to it, a male. Words such as ‘businessman’ and ‘chairman’ are generally used as a reference to a position, not necessarily a reference to gender, or even the denotation that these positions may only ever be fulfilled by men. However these terms, despite not being used in context with gender, somewhat still portray men as a superior gender. This inextricable relationship between the link of males to much of the lexemes used in our society portray males as the superior race or gender. However, it is wise to keep in mind that these divisions of sex aren’t entirely discriminating against women but rather also men. Nurses for example have an inextricably link towards females, even to the point that additional information is required when referencing another gender, ‘a male nurse’. This inherently sexist language has sublimely created division in the workplace through terminology of occupations with a connation of gender. This example further illustrates the fact that while society influences language, language also influences societal values.

The politically correctness movement is also heavily focused on racial inclusion, especially within a diverse nation such as Australia. Many places within Australia have had their names alternated to become more ‘PC’. In Queensland, ‘Nigger Creek’ and ‘Mount Nigger’, were altered to ‘more culturally appropriate’ names. Nevertheless, aboriginal culture has had a significant impact on Australia’s culture and language, with incorporations of traditional language such as ‘Barramundi’ and ‘kangaroo’. In Brisbane, there has been a push to change the name of “Boundary Street”, a street with strong cultural significance to “Boundless Street’ for many marginalised Aboriginals.

However, much of these swings in ‘politically correctness’ nowadays have been a result of unnecessary censorship of terms and ideologies. The progressive ideologies widespread through left-wing dominated social media platforms have rooted their norms deep within society. As a result, left-wing viewpoints have now been considered the norms of world-views. Politically Correctness has now become a movement where it risks destroying Australia’s cultural heritage. Everyday conversations and interactions are closely scrutinised by the individuals who either are deeply rooted to being “politically correct” or have had the whole concept enforced upon them, whom fell obliged to maintain the ideology. In 2012, San Francisco authorities installed privacy screens on library computers so individuals can exercise their right to view pornography. In Austria, a former diplomat and teacher was put on trial for “denigration of religious beliefs of a legally recognized religion (Islam).” She made a historically accurate statement that Muhammad had sex with a nine-year-old girl and consequently, was deemed guilty for defamatory statements. Political correctness has evolved into a movement where Western values of ‘free speech’ are restricted and confined. Speech that does not conform to the politically correct left wing mantra is quickly branded as ‘offensive’ and condemned. People are scared of criticising the gay and lesbian parades because they will be vilified as intolerant and homophobic. People are afraid to question Islamic migration or full-face veils for fear of being called racist Islamophobes. The truth or a difference viewpoint from the world-view of the ‘left’ has now become ‘hate-speech’ and punishable.

In contemporary Australia, language change is undeniably intertwined with social values. However, there is no doubt that the importance of political correctness has been an overarching theme across all.  

25 October 2021
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