Methods To Predict Consumer Behavior: The Role Of Color

For decades marketing has evolved, marketers need to understand and identify various methods to predict consumer behavior. This assignment discusses the importance of color in marketing, the nature of color including the strategies used to develop in order to predict future consumer behavior, and finally, the role colors play towards different people, based on people’s feelings, branding, country, culture, religion and what it symbolizes. Colors have tremendous influence over consumers either physically or psychologically. Marketers have a huge responsibility to fully understand consumer behavior and to use color as an effective marketing strategy to influence the consumers’ immense buying power. As consumers’ product and service preferences and buying patterns are constantly changing, marketers need to create a proper marketing mix for a well-defined market, which is only possible if they have a thorough knowledge and understanding of consumer behavior.

We define consumer behavior as the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. It is the behavior when consumers continuously spending of available resources on consumed items, where it includes everything that they buy and the reason for buying that specific item, the time when they buy it. To be a successful marketer, it is important to ensure packaging or product color is appropriate in terms of advertisement in order to protect consumers and their wellbeing. Business ethics can be described as the moral principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business and values and judgements play a critical role in making ethical decisions.


We define culture as the sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. In terms of color there are the ones which could look similar but can be expressed in many other ways, therefore, the interpretation of color is based on one’s own culture and backgrounds. With that being said, color adds significant value towards religion and culture, which makes them related. In Asia orange is a positive, spiritually enlightened, and life-affirming color, while in the US it is a color of road hazards, traffic delays, and fast-food restaurants.

For example, in the western world, the color “red” has a more intense effect which could mean either anger, aggression or even alerts people in the sense of danger. However, In China, it means “good luck” or celebration. In Russia, red is seen as communism, whilst Indians interpret red as a form of purity. A subculture can be defined as a distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society.

Consumer Brand Loyalty

Color is a form of language, which it connects to different emotions in different cultures and color is mostly reliable on different contents to convey meaning. Color scheming is one of the oldest strategies marketers use when branding different products and packaging. In marketing, color branding can be very persuasive, especially when one becomes interested in a specifics design. Color increases brand loyalty as soon as a specific product becomes a household name when it is used thoroughly based on an individual ethnic background. Brand loyalty increase customer satisfaction, the more satisfied the customer becomes, the more loyal the consumer will be towards a product. Certain consumer reacts differently to a brand, which the customer will start developing an attitude towards the brand, based on the image of the brand, The Role of Color Color and other forms of graphical content contribute tremendously towards the consumers’ purchase decision, thus, marketing experts cannot lose focus on them in packaging. Color packaging serves as a key function to increase marketing. The functions which packaging is required to perform are fundamental, complex, and manifold.

Colors have a color is an excellent source of information as much as it is estimated that 62-90 percent of persons’ assessments and evaluations are based on colors alone. The products’ attributes are revealed by the color. Surprisingly enough, 70 percent of all brand and purchase decisions are made in-store at the moment of buying, even if a consumer enters a store with the intention of purchasing specific products based on a shopping list.

Color signals a product’s attributes for merchandise, thereby influencing perceptions about price and quality.

18 May 2020
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