The Role Of Police For The Community

Police play a vital role within the criminal justice system. Police exist as enforcers to the rules that everyone should abide to in our society. There has been a history of police brutality for decades and many shootings that are very recent. This in turn has turned many citizens as well as communities against the police. A one admirable organization has had it's reputation tarnished due to a few police officers and a flawed organization. Shootings such as the shooting in Ferguson of an unarmed African American male. Communities specifically minorities have very bad relationship ties with their local police departments. This in turn has developed into great tension between the communities and the police. Such as Matt Lennick mentions that when police officers first join they force they all say they want to help people (TedxTalk). But is arresting and putting them in jail and prisons really helping people. We have to go back to police officers caring about their communities in which they work and may even reside. Such as Gallup statistic which mentions that only 25% of citizens trust and have confidence in the police (Gallup). However, this current scenario can change due to the implementation of community policing. Which entails the police working alongside the community to deal and tackle problems and prevent crime from occurring. Which involves police actually meeting and speaking with those within the community. This revolves around the idea about caring about those within the community and working together to find a resolution. It puts a huge emphasizes on relationships and working together instead of apart.

Studies have shown that incidents that involved police using deadly forced and other similar scenarios have only worsened community police relationships (Eric Doane). Which showed that police community relations are needed in many areas specifically those with departmental problems. Community relations help the citizens have greater trust with the police department. Communities want police to hear their perspective and work with them rather than go against them. Community-policing strategies have also reduced the number of individuals that are committing drug related crimes (Lisa M. Graziano). Many crimes that were drug-related had been approached differently. Rather than arresting in most cases the individual would be sent to rehab or similar problems to try and help them overcome their addiction. Similarly, in the TEDx video Matthew Lennick confronts this specific issue. Matt is a police officer which primarily works to help homeless individuals get off the street. While at the same time tries to provide them with resources that would help their current situation. Lennick mentions that by caring about these individuals it will help them compared to being aggressive and arresting them (TEDx). He had also gained many new friends and connections through his work with the homeless and actually cares about them. Similarly, there was evidence that found that a meeting format improved the residents efficacy in problem solving (Lisa M. Graziano). Communities want the police to hear them because these individuals reside in these communities and crime impacts them.

Organizational deviance

Regardless of what kind of organization exists there may be organizational deviance within the organization. This may come in many forms, but specifically in the criminal justice realm this entails police officers deviating from how they should behave and protocol. Organizational deviance is an event, activity, or circumstance, occurring in and/or produced by a formal organization, that deviates from formal design goals and stands or expectations (Matthew J. Giblin). One of the main deviances that police officers can have regarding community relations are police shootings. Specifically, shootings such as those of Michael Brown and Laquan McDonald. Both shootings involved an unarmed young African American male in which was shot dead by police officers. This not only hurts those families that had lost their family member in this shooting. But it also entails stronger reparations from the community as a whole. Similarly, such as in Ferguson where the community and surroundings areas all came together to protest. It can be difficult to implement community policing when police have their own union and subculture of society. The shooting alone was problematic for the police department. But how the police department handled the situation as well as the protestors is another problem in itself.

Community policing has to be implemented and managed in order to produce the best outcome. It takes some time to build trust within a community especially with those that govern those within the community. Police officers have to work alongside the community and understand their needs and wants. The worst deviance can occur when the organization deviates from what the community needs are (Aaron J. Diehr). Once you gain the communities trust you have to work alongside these individuals and build a foundation. Many experts claim that community policing helps build positive relationships within neighborhoods and communities and in turn reduce crime (Lisa M. Graziano). Organization deviance can be prevented by reinforcing rules and laws in which those within the organization must follow.


Leadership is a very important aspect of community policing. Leadership are behaviors of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal (Matthew J. Giblin). Leadership has to start from the individual that is in charge of the organization. By doing so the individual in power is able to control and develop new strategies to accomplish and obtain the organizations goals. Each police department is separate from one another and differentiates them in many ways. The leader which in this case can be the police superintendent or simply the lieutenant/chief of police at a specific department. This individual has to develop a well structured program outline in order for it to be implemented. Community policing may result in a decentralization of decision making (James J. Willis). It's important to have input from the community in order to maintain peace, but as well as reduce crime. However, one issue would be regarding decision making. Since the community has a lot of say when it comes to many issues that plaque their community. This, in turn, will result in power struggle between the police and the community. It can be difficult to balance power, but as well as satisfy both parties.

When implementing community policing those in charge have to instruct those below them on how to properly handle themselves in many situations. Meaning, with community policing you need to build relationships and be able to hear the community out. Compared to regular policing which mainly focuses on implementing and enforcing the law. With community policing you are required to do more than just arrest individuals. You are also required to maintain being a professional as well as get to know everyone in the community. The policy isn't only to help those that can help themselves. But this policy is to also help those that are disadvantaged (Michael D. Reisig). Which means going the step above and beyond what is required of you to do. Such as in the TEDx video where the police officer speaks to those disadvantaged and tries to connect them with his resources in improve their current state. If that is someone struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. But also as well as individuals that are homeless and are need of a place to sleep and medical attention. Community policing implements a sort of ethical and moral response compared to normal policing.

Organizational theory

The two organization theories that can be used to implement community policing are contingency theory and institutional theory. Contingency theory relays that there is no best way to organize and that the structure depends on factors such as size and environment (Matthew K. Giblin). In order for the organization to develop a structure and follow a plan is to adapt to it's environment. The police department has to adjust and blend into what the community needs are. It was reported in a study that half of all officers surveyed relayed that they did not want to implement community policing with minorities (Erin M. Kearns). Police officers had problems working alongside those who were minorities within the community. This deals with the issue of racial disparity which needs to be addressed. If the police department fails to adapt to it's community and if the police officers do not show interest to work with the community. Specifically, in this case with minorities. This will worsen the police-community relations. The police department needs to not only educate and train their officers regarding this new policy. But they also have to set up the organization structure in a way to address any issues that come up.

As mentioned, the police department needs to be structured in a proper way. This will help in avoiding future problems such as mentioned under organization deviance regarding police shootings. If the Ferguson police department had more colored individuals on the force it will help diversify the department. Which in turn would have made the community feel better compared to being governed by majority of white police officers in a majority African American neighborhood. Similarly, the outcome of Michael Brown's shooting was worsened due to the failure of the organization. The police department did not follow protocol and instead broke it in numerous ways. This resulted in protests in which themselves got very heated. Crisis management is an important variable in these kind of situations. The most important aspect of community policing is developing relationships with those within the community. By doing so it will help reduce the crime within the community and strengthen police and the communities relationship.

The second theory is institutional theory which focuses on structures and practices based on expectations of what organizations should do, not necessarily what's most effective or rational (Matthew J. Giblin). A study was conducted regarding the youth and community policing programs. The results were that participation in the program was effective in reducing perceptions of police discrimination and increasing attitudes toward the police among all youth (Elisabeth J. Leroux). The police department in one area may use normatively part of the institutional theory which focuses on learning from other organizations through education or training. There have been police departments that used community policing in order to improve the community police relations. In many areas it was a success, but in others it became a struggle. For example, African Americans perceive more neighborhood problems and experience lower levels of safety than whites (Michael D. Reisig). The cultural divide between minorities and white's has been an on going issue. There are cities and neighborhoods that have been gentrified, while others remained the same. Police departments have to follow a successful plan in order to implement this policy into their cities and neighborhoods. It may be tougher and more of a challenge to implement this policy in some neighborhoods rather than others.

Organizational Change

Change is transformational as well as requires a catalyst that causes change to occur (Matthew J. Giblin). The first theory would be planned change which may be the result of an negative outcome. Similarly, as mentioned in the previous sections police shootings are a negative catalyst that calls for change. It's an occurrence that can rattle a community and break and ruin relationships specifically in this case between the police and the community. The Chicago Police Department (CPD) is considered a national leader in both community policing and the development/use of information technology (Lisa M. Graziano). The CPD has introduced the program in 1993. The program in itself had produced a great deal of success when it came to communities specifically those with high crime in which minorities resided. However, if not implemented correctly or if negative catalysts occur it may hurt programs such as CAPS. For example, Chicago where I reside has been becoming very violent and crime only keeps going up. They provide certain statistics for certain months, but there is no one day that I don't hear about individuals being murdered on the street. Each time I heard it I am outraged, but at the same time I believe Chicago has become desensitized to hearing this over and over again. The communities are outraged and speak out that there has to be change within the city.

Many complain that the CPD isn't doing anything to help the city of Chicago with gun violence. Specifically, high profile police shootings such as the case of Laquan McDonald in which the shooter is currently in trial. This type of catalyst provides change in many ways, but also impacts community policing and people do not believe that the police are listening about their concerns. It has to be a collective change because without a collective change from the police department. It will be very difficult to implement the new policy everywhere specifically in similar cities around the country. In addition impediments to organizational change also plays a role in which emphasizes communication and poor training (Matthew J. Giblin).

Organizational socialization

Organizational socialization refers to the process where a worker learns the required skills and values expected associated with a job (Matthew J. Giblin). In order for community policing to be implemented successfully in a police department. What must first happen is that the guidelines for community policing must be set. A system has to be developed and implemented that will be successful long term. The next step would be for the officers to be trained according to the rules and concepts within the community policy. Police officers need to be trained by taking courses. By taking these courses these officers will be able to gain a better understand what community policing is. But also as well as how they should act according to these rules and standards. Police and communities need one another to effectively address social disorder and crime (Eric Doane). After getting educated in the classroom these police officers then need to be set into a community ideally their own. And while doing their civil duties they will be required to interact with those within the community on a daily basis. This would result in getting to know individuals in the area as well as any problems that the locals are having. Many small issues are never resolved because the police do not know about them. As well as arrests that do nothing to deter criminals from actually reoffending. As seen in the TEDx video you are required to get to know each individual. The police officer would then provide resources to that individual specifically in this case was a homeless man. Which would result in a number of them being able to get off the street and some to find a job.

Those in leadership positions must maintain the importance of the program and policy. If there are issues to come up they must be addressed fairly quickly and these police officers should be handled appropriately. The community policing would also include monthly meetings in which anyone can come to the meeting and voice their frustrations and have a conversation. Many cities already currently do something similar to this. But with this meeting it wouldn't be a hostile area in which community members would lash out at police. But rather due to the policy and built respect and relationships it would be an area in which citizens and police would come together to have a conversation. When it relates to how the organizational culture will be affected. One area in which the organizational culture has to change is regarding people orientation. Sadly, Officers are significantly more supportive of community policing with white communities (M = 5.96, SD = 1.06) than with racial minorities17 (M = 5.81, SD = 1.15); t(707) = 6.52, p < .001.1 (Erin M. Kearns).

This study provides that police are more likely to work with white individuals rather than minorities when it relates to community policing. This was tested with three different police departments and is concerning. The organization has to change it's philosophy and the officers have to be more understanding of the large goal. Many are not outcome oriented rather they are focusing on their own feelings and opinions and implementing them within their jobs. Police officers have to be police oriented and willing to work with others regardless of their skin color or economic status. The police officers on the streets speaking to the community have to be team orientated rather than individual. It's important to understand the role that they have in helping strengthen community relations. Compared to focusing on individual members within the organization. I believe that by making police officers have conversations with people this will build friendships, but also strengthen police-community relations. Which has been and still currently is a big issue. Specifically, findings suggest that lack of community policing practices might explain 13% of the relationship between black-white residential segregation and interracial homicide (Aaron J. Diehr). One of the main problems with the police organization is that it's been known and still is majority white. In many areas such as Ferguson as we have mentioned has a white majority within the police department. By implementing community policing this will in turn improve the relationship that police have with the citizens specifically those of color.


In order for the police to have a good relationship with the community. Then community policing must be implemented within our law enforcement agencies. There is great distrust and tension between the community and the police. The police have always been seen as the enemy in many communities specifically those consisting of minorities. The police department has a long history of excessive force by it's officers. Specifically, fatal shootings that could have been avoided completely. Due to these types of shootings where the victim was unarmed and a minority. This, in turn, in addition to the media coverage that these police shootings get. Has only turned back time and worsened our relationship with the police. Community policing is more than just working alongside the community. Rather, it's also an approach which takes into account the well being of the individual. The whole premise is to be a officer which upholds the law, but also cares about the people that they govern. When police officers introduce morality and ethics when coming onto the scene of a call. This will in fact help stabilize the current situation and increase and improve the future relationships between the police and the community.

01 April 2020
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