The Role, Value and Nature of Election Process

What procces could be called an election? For what for do we have it? This essay about election will shortly reveal answers and the role of this process. Election can be conducted in any case where public opinion matters the most, not only for the nation. They express this opinion by public voting to choose a political leader. Election is also defined as a decision-making process within a group of people sharing analogous interests. It is also the most peaceful and effecient way of selecting leaders but then commotion, complaints, and conflicts cannot be avoided. Furthermore, election assures that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people therefore it is considered a vital pillar of democracy. 

In addition, election does not only define the people in majority but also talks about minority. It consider the perspectives of both in opting a government which gives them an equal opportunity, equal distribution of income and equal right on the country's resources. The government chosen through public voting will concentrate on making the country sturdy and improved and will always work for the overall growth without any favor or unfairness.

Moreover, one needs to be mature enough to understand the dilemma of a country. Not all ages are able to consign the significance and consequences of electing and choosing a leader. This is why the nation's voting authority has set the minimum voting age to 18 years. People entering their adulthood at the age of 18 can cast their votes. By casting votes, individuals in a nation choose their leaders . In this way, citizens can select someone whose views are most in line with their own.  As a voter, active or first timer, citizens should know the characteristics and importance of election to help them select wisely who to give their precious votes.  The characteristics of election are suffrage, nomination of candidates, election campaigns, electoral systems, scheduling and tally of votes.

Suffrage pertains to the right to vote in elections. Nomination of candidates means to officially suggest someone for election. It also refers to the process of selecting a candidate for election to a public office. Election campaign pertains to an organized effort to positively influence the decision making of a particular group. Electoral systems means to detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. Scheduling refers to arranging and controlling of elections. Tally of votes is the use of various vote counting systems and ballot. Then comes the determination of the result on the basis of the tally. 

Election is important because it is an excellent opportunity for people to voice their dissatisfaction. Most importantly, if people dislike a particular leadership, then they can remove it. People can replace an undesirable leadership with a better alternative through elections. Election awareness helps to sensitize people about the electoral process, educates them to know about the political parties, their manifestos and the background of the candidates so that they make up a right decision and vote for the deserving candidate. Election awareness also educates people about the importance of voting and how it can be used for their welfare, growth and development. It also makes them aware about the luring and deceptive election campaigns of the political parties and how not to fall prey to cash, liquor or gifts in lieu of their vote. Elections certainly help keep the power of the political leaders in check. This is because political leaders cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing election. 

To sum it up, election is the trademark of political liberty. Democracy surely would be inoperative without it. Most eminent , it is the tool which puts authority in the hands of common people. People must come out in large numbers to vote and realize the value of elections.

05 January 2023
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