The Terracotta Army And Its Role In Chinese Culture

The terracotta army was buried according to Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty, during 210 – 209 BCE. It was the way that the funeral art form buried with the king in 210-209 BCE for the purpose to protect the king in his afterlife. Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974 by a local farmer digging a well in Linton County. China has found one of the greatest histories in their country and the world. According to the history book, the construction of the tomb of Qin Shi Huang began in 246 BCE and employs 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 people and craftsmen in 38 years. The Terracotta Warriors Made of Yellow Earth. Experts have confirmed that the material used to make the terracotta warriors and horses is a “yellow Earth”. That has been sourced from around the buried side. Yellow earth is easy to find and was an appropriate material due to its sticky quality and ductility.7 steps to make the Terracotta Army. The first step they make the figure’s torso from the pedestal to the collar after that they will move on with the body part as the head, arms, and hand. When they have done that first 2 steps they will dry in the shade and assemble the arms and hands in the third step and step forth the worker will carve the body parts in detail. In step 5 the Terracotta soldier will be complete and install their head, step 6 they fire the warrior in the kiln to make it harder and paint it with coloured pigments in step 7.

Terracotta officers wear special robes, robes to two layers or one layer, pants, a pair of shoes, and are covered with a colourful piece of Armor, which looks great and inspiring. Most terracotta soldiers also wear knee-length robes, Armor, hats or hoods, pants and boots or boots. Some soldiers do not wear Armor; they fight in light devices. Top hat, almost all terracotta officers are made of a flat chignon covered by special headgear. Some hats have a length of 15 cm (6 inches) in an oblong shape with a bent back; some are trapezoid-shaped, and some headgear has twisted back like a pheasant tail. In real life, their material is leather or laminated wax fabric. Top hats are mainly in ochre or lipstick. There are ties tied on each side of the hat to fix it on the warrior's head. For clothes, most terracotta warriors wear knee-length shirts. However, some superior officers were made with double coats, and other officers wore one-layer robes. Both one-layer and two-layer coats have the same configuration with long sleeves. Looking closely at the officers' officers, it is easy to see that almost all of them wear pants. Almost all terracotta officers covered with armor with a smooth edge and colorful lace, are used to protect them in battle. The armor of different ranked officers is different. In real life, armor for superior officers is made of leather. The front of the armor was under the warrior chest, and there were some small plates sewn on the armor at the waist. Colored drawings and patterns are drawn on the armor where there are no panels, and you can also find some knots made of colorful lanyards on the armor. Some officers on the Armor Armor have a shoulder guard and some do not. There are two different types of armor used for subordinate officers. One is a splinted chest armor, a shoulder pad and no back and will be made of a single piece of leather in the Qin Dynasty. In the center of the skin is eleven rows of discs. We can see the delicate geometric patterns drawn on its braces. The second style is a colorful scale armor that includes the front and back as well as shoulder pads. As its name suggests, many small squares are linked together on the skin to assemble a complete armor.

The effect of the terracotta army on Chinese culture is massive. They make Chinese worship and trusting about the afterlife. Due to Qin density 'Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is a change: a migration from one place to another.' - Socrates. The ancient Chinese belief about afterlife included their belief of the soul. For the Qin Shi Huang, the soul was dualistic and materialistic, meaning that there was two-part As Socrates stated, death is destruction or the migration of souls from one place to another. Ancient Chinese people in the Qin Dynasty believed that there were more deaths than annihilation. Emperor Qin Shi Huang was Ordinary officers wore a borderless armor. This armor is assembled from hundreds of dark brown panels. Its front is longer than the back and no patterns are drawn on the armor. 

Mesmerized and obsessed with the idea of immortal life and we can see this over the times that he went with details and attention in building the army. Terracotta and the vastness of the tomb and the possibility of what can lie in the grave. It is hard to understand why a man determined to live forever has such elaborate and sumptuous plans for his grave, although perhaps the greatest of his home in the afterlife means that he is still searching for a path to eternal life, even in him dying. Somehow, all the pitfalls of his life were transformed into a life he could experience beyond death, in a way, living the same eternal life. 

16 August 2021
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