The Types Of Exotic Flora

 There are many different types of Exotic Flora’s. An exotic flora is an unusual or strange plant and flowers from other countries. Some of the many different types are venus fly trap, orchids, and violets. These are some of the most common types. If you were to explain to someone what an extotic flora is, telling them about these flowers will help them understand better.   

       A venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant native to subtropical wetlands on the east coast. It is exactly what the name is. It eats flies when they go near the plant. They are typically found in dry and wet areas such as south carolina. They're grown in greenhouses. The tap is made up of two hinged lobes at the end of each leaf, on the inner surface of the lobes there is hair called trichomes that cause the lobes to close when they catch a fly. “The venus flytrap a devouring organism, aptly named for the goddess of love”- Tennessee williams. This quote about love relates to the venus fly trap because when you love someone you never want to let them go, and the trap never lets go of the bugs.

        An orchid is a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants with blooms that are often colorful and fragrant. It is found in the rainforest where its very wet and cool. These flowers grow in soil, but most tropical orchids are epiphytes. Epiphytes grow in the air rather than the soil. Their fleshy roots are covered with a layer of white cells called Valemen which acts as a sponge. There is a variety of color that these exotic floras come in. For example purple, red, pink, white, and cream. Blue orchids are a rare find. They represent spirituality and contemplation. “An orchid is a deep forest sends out its fragrance even if no one is around to appreciate it.”-Confucius. This quote is a metaphor that means orchids are important to the rainforest because they store water.

         Lastly violets are a genus of spring flowering plant in the family of violaceae. Most of the violets are found in the northern hemisphere, but some are also found in hawaii and other areas. Violets are not only violet, they come in many other colors such as blue, yellow, white, and cream. “ purple violets would symbolize that the givers thoughts were occupied with love.” this quote means that violets represent love.

         In conclusion, all of the exotic floras are different in their own way. Venus fly traps capture bug. Orchids act as a sponge and violets represent love, all of these flowers fall under the same category because they are help nature.            

29 April 2022
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