Analysis of the Use of Narration in the Film Whale Rider

Throughout the film Whale Rider, Niki Caro has used many techniques to convey the themes and emotions in the film. The narration was one of the most effective techniques as it is clear to the viewer of the varying themes and emotions throughout. She has achieved this through her careful planning of introducing and executing the narration as the thoughts of the character Paikea. This technique was demonstrated well throughout the opening and concluding scenes as it makes an impact on the whole film, as opposed to narration being absent throughout the film.

Niki Caro has used narration to convey the themes of the story. This is evident throughout the opening scene that is an introduction to the whole film and holds the key themes of the upcoming story. The themes that are evident throughout the first scene is culture, specifically Maori culture, this is vital to the film and adds meaning because without the theme of culture the film would be less enjoyable to the viewer. in the first scene the visuals are whales with the narration over the visual, Paikea is explaining the importance of the firstborn boy being chief and how it fits in with Maori culture and traditions, this is vital to the whole film because it is the whole theme of the story and vital for the audience to understand. Caro has made the decision to use narration as it shows the themes and how they fit in, and how important it is to the characters lives. Another example is the final scene when Paikea is on the boat, the narration at that time was after Paikea was confirmed chief. The narration was about her role as a leader, therefore, shows the theme of leadership, although the film finishes before we see any acts of her leadership the viewer is able to hear her worthiness as a leader, through the words ‘When I am gone, my people will keep going forward, forward together with all our strength’. This is a crucial scene in the film and is why Caro chose to have the addition of a narration to the scene as it adds an extra understanding of the themes of the scene. It also helps the audience to understand the emotions that the character is experiencing because it conveys the thoughts of the specific character.

Caro has also used narration to express the emotions of the story. This is indisputable throughout the first scene as it is when the main character is introducing herself and expressing the emotions of her sorrowful and traumatic birth this scene would not have been filled with as much emotion as it would if there was no narration. The scene would be lacking deep emotion which is why Carro has decided to make it an aspect of the film. Throughout the scene, the audience could find sadness through the actor's voice and the specific words Caro chose for the character. This scene is vital and as explained holds many key themes to the story but it also holds many emotions of the character and is why Caro has chosen to use narration so she can clearly convey the emotion of the characters. Another example is the final scene on the boat after she has been confirmed leader, this scene is rich in emotions such as joyfulness this is due to the narration. The narration makes it clear to the audience what emotion that scene is, through the chosen words and tone of voice. Narration demonstrates the joyfulness of the character throughout that scene. Caro has conveyed the themes and emotions spectacularly through narration and makes it very clear to the viewer of what is trying to be conveyed.

Throughout the film, it is incredibly clear to the audience to understand what themes and emotions are being conveyed, as it is usually very difficult for directors to clearly convey themes and emotions on screen. Caro has been very creative and successful to use narration as an important aspect of her film, and she has possibly influenced many films after Whale Rider to use the same clever technique.  

16 August 2021
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