What The Black Holes Are

Black holes are kind of beasts with high density can grasp or eat almost everything they want. Any particular thing from our universe if fallen into the black hole means they are gone. Today scientists are researching about black holes that can be too destructive. They basically create enormous energy to consume anything. Since many years scientists have been concluding that this a strong force in the galactic time square which can be a black hole.

The idea of this bizarre black hole came from the time, gravity and space relationship. Albert Einstein have the strange idea that the that space and time are curvature which gave the concept of gravity. We people think that space and time are stable but actually they are in a curvature form. Massive object like sun pushes the space which acts as a fabric creating troughs then it attracts earth. But due to more distance it only allows earth to travel around it. But if in case the object is too massive so it will push the fabric like space too much that eventually a black hole will be formed. this is something explained by albert Einstein which has some relationship with blackholes since black holes also absorbs or eat anything in this way. Scientist were confused that by using albert Einstein equation or theory as explained above doesn’t really proves that black holes exist. But when they started watching stars moving at high speed,this means that there’s something which is causing this to happen.

Although it was quite difficult to observe since black holes doesn’t emit light. Adding on in the galactic center according to observation carried out by them was that group of star which moves like a slingshot across the black hole. This means black hole is reason to move these stars. This is found by using x rays, infrared or maybe adaptive optics because earlier it was almost impossible to look at these black holes concept taking place. Although The dust or the gases makes it confusing to look at them. in our galaxy,milky way. Anyways according to one of the researcher’s experiment she took the picture once and then after a while she it took again. at this particular moment she found stars at different positions. They were moving at a speed of 10 million miles per hour. There orbits are also smooth and this is due to black hole concept. Furthermore the black holes basically create a magnetic field and shoots the energy out of it. This energy is measured as somewhere around million times more energy then the sun. This can explode in the galaxy. On the other hand our milky way is found by combination of several small galaxies around billion of years ago. each galaxy contains a blackhole. in simple words the black hole will form inbetween or in the heart of a milky way and will eat the small galaxies at it’s surroundings and forms two cavities. To prove it more German team was anxious and tensed that how black holes are formed.

After doing research on several pictures and then comparing the changes in different pictures they got the answer. Basically what happens is when a star looses it’s fuel it becomes too bright and then finally it turns into a black hole. Furthermore going for some confusions that was created was that what came first the galaxies or the black holes. This question is like what came first chicken or egg?. The answer for this is not yet known because some galaxies contains black holes while some don’t contain it. Going furtherly, the galaxies are disc shaped with bulges or heavy mass between them,these bulges are almost directly proportional. Bulges over here are basically black holes produces huge amount of energy to create stars. These stars are in the form of gases.

15 Jun 2020
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