Ups And Downs: How To Overcome Struggles In Life

They say life is full of ups and downs. There are challenges we face in life that can hold us back from achieving God's divine purpose for our existence. These challenges might come in different ways, but the Bible assures us that we are overcomers in Christ Jesus. Everyone wants to have a smooth free life where there will be no struggles, but the truth is the devil is not happy that we belong to Jesus, he wants us to feel discouraged about life, but God has a different plan for us. The plans he has for us is of good, and we shall overcome through His son. Sometimes, there are challenges that come from life itself. There are things we must go through to achieve something good for example, a student who is struggling to see himself through school knows it is not going to be an easy road, but only God can see him through all the struggles. In this work "How To Overcome Struggles In Life Essay" you will find several thoughts and advice which can help you.

To overcome means to defeat, to excel in a situation that was not the plan of God. Overcoming means an end to a suffering, pain, or hardship. Its like when you forget all the pains you went through to achieve something great. Struggling brings weakness, it makes you lose hope and probably give up in life, but I want you to know this, any struggles that you are going through at the moment, God is able to see you though. He knows what we are going through and he has promised to be with you until the end.

Four things that God will do

Restore: Restoration is giving back to replace all that you have lost. Sometimes, it can be exactly what you've lost or doubled as in the case of Job. God restores all our years of suffering, pains, and replaces them with joy and laughter. In the beginning, man lost that unique and special relationship with God through Adam, but Jesus came into the world to restore man back to God original plan by dying on the cross of Calvary. God is still in the business of restoring and replacing everything you have lost in your life. He knows and understands whatever we are passing through at the moment. It does not matter what you have lost or how long you have been struggling. God will wipe away your tears for joy comes in the morning. All we need to do is to believe in the world of God.

Support: God supports our efforts as we journey through this life. Just as a father is so supportive of his child going through challenges so does God support us by encouraging and giving us the needed support in every area of our life. He sent his word to guide, protect, and direct our path even when going through the struggles of life. We are able to overcome life struggles because of the love of God. You can only support those you love and care for. He strongly supports those that are committed to him and will not let them pass through the struggles of life alone.

Strengthen: When we are weak, he is strong that is why we can see ourselves doing things ordinarily we cannot do because God's strength is at work in us. Hence, whatever you are passing through know that the Lord is your strength. In his word, you shall find strength and overcome every struggle you are passing through in Christ Jesus. God is the only source of real strength. Imagine David killing a giant with a stone that is what God can do if we acknowledge our weakness and let him take over. We cannot overcome without the power of God.

Settlement: He puts everything in place for us. Crowns our efforts, and blesses us with his promise. Settlement comes after a period of hardship. There are bible examples of the divine settlement, Hannah went through the pains of being childless, but God settled her with a son. Joseph also passed through struggles even in his father's house down to his master's house, but God settled him by making him one of the most prominent men in Egypt. God knows how to settle his children in a special way. It does not matter what you are passing through or what your life struggles are, He will settle you in due time.

Things that causes struggles in life

There are a lot of things that can make one struggle in life, but the bibles say we are overcomers in Christ Jesus. Here are some of them:

  • Family background
  • Divine purpose eg Esau and Jacob
  • Poverty
  • Sin eg Adam Sin is a reproach to a nation
  • Issues of time Remember time lost is not easily regained that is why we must use our time wisely.
  • Wrong relationship Friendship is by choice
  • Distraction
  • Demonic forces

What to do to overcome struggles in life

  • Prayers: This is very vital. Ther is no struggles in life we cannot overcome through prayers. Prayer is one of the strongest weapons we have as Christians. In prayers, we communicate with God and table those challenges to him. Through prayers, God listens to our cry.
  • Divine encounter: When Jacob encountered God, his life changed for good. Nobody will ever encounter Jesus and will remain the same as the bible says to cast all your burdens unto Him who is able to fix them all.
  • Depend on God's grace: Greatness does not come by struggle, but only by his grace. When passing through life issues, we need God's grace to overcome for His grace is sufficient.
  • Do not give up: It is important to know that these challenges are only for a while. It won't last forever, do not give up. Have faith, and hope in the word of God, and believe it is temporary. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Learn to use your time wisely: Time is of the essence, and must be used wisely. Spend time on things that will encourage and help you build your faith in God. Focus on Jesus and avoid distraction.

In conclusion, We can overcome all things in Christ Jesus.


03 December 2019
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