What Was the Driving Force Behind European Imperialism in Africa

Researching the topic 'What Was the Driving Force Behind European Imperialism in Africa Essay' will allow us to get answers to questions about imperialism. For three hundred years between the years 1500-1800, there was a force in which European Imperialism in spread throughout Africa. According to Document A, there were numerous European Countries taking control over Africa. This means that all of the countries were basically ganging up on Africa and started to go after each individual state one by one until imperialism has fully taken over Africa. But, there was one state that wasn’t taken over by Imperialism; and that was Ethiopia. The European countries even managed to take Africa’s personal products. For example, in document D cotton went to Portugal, rubber went to Belgium, gum went to France, copper went to Great Britain, etc. So Europe was stripping Africa of their products that were being made naturally and from a man just for their beliefs. 

First, England aimed to become a world superpower in order to appear as a more intimidating opponent. According to Document B “...that their first aim is to be to advance the power of England by land and by sea”. So what this shows is England's thirst for dominion over other governments and countries. German had a bit of a different goal in mind by executing missions as are the English people. According to Document B “When the German Reich centuries ago was at the peak of the states in Europe, it was the Number one trade and sea power. Should the New German Reich wish to prove and maintain its newly won position of power for a long time”. Germany’s goal was to relieve Germany’s glory days when they were a world superpower in order to expand simultaneously. So both of these countries had a mighty hunger for power as they wanted to take the land. But some other countries believed that they were entitled to it.

Second, Britain believed that they were entitled to rule the world in a way as if they are better than any other country. For example, according to Document G, it says, “I contend that we (British) are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better is the id for the human race...it is our duty to seize every opportunity…”. The British believed that they had some sort of seniority over every other country. France had a bit of the same idea. According to Document H, “Gentleman, we must speak more loudly and more honestly! We must say openly that indeed the higher races have a right over the lower races…”. Meaning that they believed that they have superiority over the weaker countries that to a certain extent can’t stick up for themselves. So countries that acted like France and British then the only reason that they wanted states in Africa under their control is because of the fact that they’re just cocky people who feel as if they got an entitlement to everything because of their intoxication of power. But the overall goal for this was to gain power but the everlasting backfire was that Africa would eventually run out.

Lastly, there were some countries that didn’t even have any true interest in the entire taking control for imperialism ordeal. For example, according to Document K, it says “We don’t really want the damned place but if we don’t take it someone else will grab it and the whole balance of power will be mucked up…”. So some countries never even wanted to charge in and demand control over other people for the reason of being imperialists, but instead for making all the power rankings that are represented in a hierarchy stay the way it was before imperialism was being forced on Africa. But then there are the countries who are completely sick of the idea of Imperialism. According to Document F it says, “And bid the sickness cease; and when your goal is nearest the end for others sought, Watch sloth and heathen Folly bring all your hopes to naught…”. The meaning of this quote is that everything that is being forced upon Africa is also forcing them into a large famine that’ll kill millions. The thought behind these countries is that they don’t believe in imperialism.

In conclusion, the way of imperialism is broken off into three ways of thinking; there’s pro-imperialist, con-imperialist, and a neutral way of looking at it that is basically leaning upon which side their leaning towards. France felt entitled to forcing Africa into a famine as the English just wanted more power. It’s not ok to take land for personal interest just to abandon it over time.

10 October 2022
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