Why I Want To Apply To Empire State College MBA Program

In my career, I have had many professional positions. My previous positions were as a Medical Technologist, Computer Programmer, Senior Systems Analyst, and currently I serve as DBBR Coordinator and Director of Biobanking Systems Integration at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. While each position is distinct all have been in the realm of medicine and research. Each degree has led to advancement in my career and each job has built on my previous education and experiences.

After graduating as a Medical Technologist from the University of Buffalo, I attained a position working in the Clinical Laboratory at Roswell Park. I worked independently on the off shift running all four clinical labs. While working full time, I continued my education by attending Buffalo State College for a degree in Computer Information Systems. My goal was to obtain a programming position in a Clinical Laboratory. After graduation, I attained a job as a programmer at Frontier Science while remaining part time at Roswell as a Technologist.

With my combination of programing and clinical laboratory experience, I succeeded in gaining a programming position in the Information Technology Research Department at Roswell. In that department, I was promoted to Systems Analyst and eventually Senior Systems Analyst.As a Senior Systems Analyst, I was assigned the lead in analyzing, designing, creating and implementing the construction of the Data Bank and Biorepository (DBBR) into the new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The task was immense as it was the first biobank to be implemented into the LIMS. This was an institute initiative and was accomplished within the given time constraints. This is one of my biggest career accomplishments. In the following year, I was offered my current position in the DBBR.

My current title is truly a unique position that includes a blend of operations manager, programmer, coordinator, and business manager. My responsibilities include managing system applications, managing personnel, marketing, and sales of services, inventory and data. In this role, I have demonstrated leadership abilities and have grown in my interpersonal skills. I have advanced the recruitment of patients by analyzing and streamlining consenting processes.

I have had this position for five years and it is now in a transformation period, as technologies change and advance so must our bank processes. Currently, I am analyzing recruitment, data management and laboratory processes. We are going to redesigning and update our current practices to streamline and improve our marketability. While this was not originally in my job description, I am embracing this new challenge. The knowledge I will gain while obtaining my MBA will assist me in making the correct business decisions for my department.

My decision to apply to Empire State College MBA program is based on many factors. A co-worker and Empire MBA alumna has shared with me her incredible Empire experience. I am currently enrolled at Empire for an online MBA prerequisite economics class. My experience in this class has been wonderful. The MBA online component and course flexibility will be a perfect fit into my busy lifestyle. An important factor is the valuable combination of business and technology that is related to my education and experiences. Finally, following the Management Track will allow me to master the skills that I need to advance in my current position.

11 February 2020
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