The Role of Government in Society: Why is It Important

Government is the vehicle for implementing organizational policies and the mechanism for defining policies. Every government has a constitution that establishes its guiding principles and philosophy. While government is a major part of this institutional environment, it is only part of a larger mechanism for regional governance issues. Government is a territorial institution that has the power to bind decisions to residents (you have constitutional or legislative power) and business within it. In why is government important essay describes the role of government and its importance.

Role of Government 

Government plays a fundamental role in economic development. Economic development is to a large extent the product of market forces, and market rules and operating procedures, including property rights, contract law, etc., are developed and implemented by governments. Governments play an important role in the economy by providing collective public goods and compensating for market failures. The federal government provides the public infrastructure for economic activities. It also provides public services (such as police, fire protection, security and management) to businesses and households. To fund their services, state and local governments levy taxes, which are part of the cost of the service. Doing business because of these taxes and the services they fund varies from state to state. Local government is the weighting body in decisions about the location of households and businesses. Likewise, state and local governments make regulations that affect businesses and the economy. These decisions vary by state, metropolitan area and location. Governments make some countries better able than others to promote economic growth.

Function of Government 

Government performs various functions in the country. Some of the main functions are:

  • The main function of government is to protect basic human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property rights. The idea of natural rights is due to the fact that everyone deserves these rights. These are the rights that a God gave humans beings when they were born. It is assumed that people are born with these rights and should not be stripped of them without their consent.
  • Government has a duty to fight poverty and improve the quality of life of its citizens. To achieve this, the government must create an environment that is good for prosperity and economic growth.
  • All modern governments accept the responsibility of protecting the political and social rights of their citizens.
  • Government can participate directly in the economy for promoting various economic activities.
  • The function of government is to form a more perfect Union.
  • Government is form to establish justice in the society.
  • Government can provide health services, education and welfare services to the peoples of the societies.
  • Government can promote the common well-being in the state or the country.
  • Government provides security to the peoples live within a country or a state.
  • The government provides public services because the public is happier if they are taken care of and they also need support.
  • It gives national security because the defense of a country must be structured to ensure the safety and health of its population
  • Government can sets the laws, rules and regulations in the country because we need rules to determine how well a nation works so people know how to act. To enforce the 'rule of law', the government must operate a system of laws and courts.
  • Managing foreign affairs is one of the most important functions that the government performs.
  • One of the most important functions of government is to protect civil liberties.


Significance of Government 

Government is important in the country or the state because government can make laws, rules and regulation and implements it on the country. If there is no government, there will be no proper laws, rules and regulations. Laws are necessary for the society to function. Life in a society without laws would be unsafe and unpredictable. Without government there is no security in the societies. Government performs several duties and functions in the society for the interest of its public. So, government is very significant for the society, state or the country.

Branches of Government 

In broader sense government normally consists of three main branches.

  • Executive branch
  • Legislative branch
  • Judiciary branch


Executive Branch

The first main branch is the executive branch. Its main function is to execute the law passed by the legislature or the constitution. The President of the United States manages the executive branch of our government. The President executes the laws that the legislature (Congress) makes.  It includes the president, vice president, cabinet, executive boards, independent bodies and other assemblies and committees. He must also run the day to day affairs of the state. The executive branch also oversees state agencies such as ministry of transport, tax and revenue, health and human resources, administration and education and all their departments.

Legislative Branch

It is the branch of government that makes laws. The legislative branch of our government is called the National Assembly. Congress makes our laws. The meeting is divided into two parts. One division is called the Senate. There are 100 senators 2 from each of our states. Another division is called the House of Representatives. Representatives meet to discuss ideas and decide whether those ideas (measures) should become law. There are 435 Representatives. The amount of representation each state gets is determined by its population. Some states have only 2 representatives. Others have as many as 40. Senators and Representatives are elected by qualified voters in their states. The legislature drafts bills, confirms or rejects presidential appointments by federal agencies, federal judges and chief justices, and has the power to declare war. This branch includes Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) and special agencies and offices that provide support services to Congress.

Judiciary Branch

The third branch of the government is the judicial branch. The judiciary interprets the meaning of the law, applies the law to individual cases, and decides whether the law violates the Constitution. It is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Our federal government's judicial division consists of the Supreme Court and 9 judges. They are special judges who interpret the law in accordance with the Constitution. These judges only hear cases involving constitutional issues. It is the highest court in our country. The federal court system also has lower courts located in each state to hear cases involving federal matters

Levels of Government 

Government consists of three levels. They are:

  • Federal government
  • State and territory government
  • Local government


Federal Government

The federal government raises funds to run the country by levying taxes on income, goods and services, and corporate profits and spending them on national affairs.

State and Territory Government

State and territory government is responsible for matters affecting the people in that state or territory. It also raises money through taxes, but receives more than half of their money from  the federal government and spends it on state and territory affairs.

Local Government

Local government is responsible for issues affecting local communities. Local councils collect tax rates from all local landlords and receive grants from federal, state and territorial governments and spend them on local issues.

System of Government

There are three main systems of government:

  • Unitary system
  • Federal system
  • Confederate system


Unitary System

A unitary system has the highest degree of centralization. In a unitary state, the central government holds all powers and the same set of laws are applied across the country, without variation. Unitary states create a national policy, which is then applied uniformly. This uniformity sometimes acts as an advantage because people and businesses know exactly what to expect from the law, regardless of their geographic location. At the same time, to maintain its unity, a unitary government must ignore local differences that may require different rules or policies.

Federal System

The federal system is a combination of national, state or local governments. The federal system often surpasses local government in defense and foreign policy. Federal systems have the opposing strengths and weaknesses of unitary systems; they excel at accommodating local circumstances but often lack a coherent national policy.

Confederate System

In a confederate system, a union is a loose relationship between several smaller political units. The vast majority of political powers rest with local government because the central federal government has very little power. Local governments have a great deal of freedom to act as they please, but this freedom often leads to conflict between the states and the federal government.


The government is a group of people who have the power to administer territory. The territory can be a country, state, or province within a country or region. It refers to a group of people who have the authority to lead a department, committee, country or state and have specific responsibilities. It is a system or group of people that manages an organized community (usually a state). This group of people has the right to formally control a country. It is the system or policy that governs political units. They are the institutions that foster shape the economic activities that take place in an area.

10 October 2022
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