Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College in America

The Electoral College has long been a subject of debate and controversy in American politics. While it has been a part of the U.S. presidential election system since its inception, many argue that it is an outdated and undemocratic institution that no longer serves the interests of the American people. This essay explores the reasons why the Electoral College should be abolished in America and replaced with a more direct and representative system of electing the President.

1. The Principle of "One Person, One Vote"

One of the fundamental principles of democracy is the idea that every citizen's vote should carry equal weight. However, the Electoral College system undermines this principle. In a winner-takes-all system that exists in most states, the votes of citizens in states with small populations are disproportionately influential, while the votes of citizens in populous states are undervalued. This inequity is a clear violation of the principle of "one person, one vote" and undermines the democratic foundations of the United States.

2. Swing States and Neglected States

The current Electoral College system encourages presidential candidates to focus their campaign efforts on a handful of swing states while largely neglecting states that are reliably red or blue. As a result, voters in swing states receive a disproportionate amount of attention and policy promises, while voters in non-competitive states are often marginalized. Abolishing the Electoral College would promote a more equitable distribution of campaign resources and ensure that all states and their citizens are equally valued.

3. The Possibility of Electoral Misfire

The Electoral College has the potential to produce an outcome where the candidate who did not win the popular vote becomes President, as was the case in the 2000 and 2016 elections. This is due to the "winner-takes-all" approach in most states, where the candidate with the majority of votes in a state wins all of its electoral votes. This system can lead to an electoral misfire where a candidate who loses the overall popular vote still secures victory, undermining the legitimacy of the presidency and eroding public trust in the electoral process.

4. Encouragement of Third-Party Candidates

Abolishing the Electoral College would encourage the emergence of viable third-party candidates. Under the current system, many voters feel compelled to choose the "lesser of two evils" rather than voting for a candidate who truly represents their values. A system based on the popular vote would empower third-party candidates to compete on a level playing field, offering voters a wider range of choices and potentially leading to more diverse and representative government.

5. Voter Suppression Concerns

The Electoral College system can contribute to voter suppression concerns. In non-competitive states, where the outcome is often predetermined, some voters may feel discouraged from participating in the electoral process, believing that their vote will not make a difference. This can have a chilling effect on voter turnout and civic engagement. Abolishing the Electoral College would help alleviate these concerns and promote greater participation in elections.

6. Simplification of the Electoral Process

Eliminating the Electoral College would simplify the electoral process. It would mean a direct election of the President based on the popular vote, eliminating the need for a two-step process where citizens first vote for electors who then cast their votes for the President. This simplification would make the election process more transparent and accessible to the public, reducing the potential for confusion or manipulation of the results.

7. Reflecting the Will of the People

Ultimately, the most compelling reason to abolish the Electoral College is to ensure that the President of the United States is a true reflection of the will of the people. The current system can distort the popular will and produce outcomes that do not align with the preferences of the majority. By transitioning to a popular vote-based system, the United States would move closer to the democratic ideal of a government that is truly "of the people, by the people, and for the people."


The Electoral College has served as the method of electing the President in the United States for over two centuries. However, it is increasingly clear that this system is fraught with problems, including inequities, distortions of the popular will, and concerns about the legitimacy of election outcomes. Abolishing the Electoral College and adopting a direct popular vote system would align more closely with democratic principles and ensure that every citizen's vote carries equal weight.

The time has come for a thorough examination of the Electoral College and its place in American democracy. While tradition and history have their merits, they should not come at the expense of a fair and representative electoral process. Abolishing the Electoral College is a step toward strengthening American democracy and ensuring that the voices and votes of all citizens are heard and respected.

14 September 2023
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