9/11 Tragedy: Timeline Of The Twin Towers Attack

The morning of September 11, 2001 began like any other day in New York City until 19 extremists connected with the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and hijacked four airplanes at three different U.S. locations. September 11th is often called the most catastrophic day in American history. This was the day when the lives of 2,977 innocent Americans were taken away. Nevertheless, it will be also remembered as the day when America came together as one nation regardless religion, color, or class association. To understand the events of 9/11, it is important to know the background of the attack, the attack itself, and the aftermath of the tragedy.

The attack of 9/11 goes as far back as 1988, after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan Osama Bin Laden formed the extremist group Al-Qaeda. The extremist group engaged in acts of terrorism and carried out strikes against anyone who looked like a western descent. Al-Qaeda gained followers during the invasion of Afghanistan, when people volunteered to help them fight against the Soviet Union during the Russian army defeat. People continued to support them, and they transitioned into an extremist group. According to the National Geographic, “On December 29, 1992, Al Qaeda operatives set off a bomb at the Gold Mohur hotel in Aden, Yemen, where U.S. troops were lodged on their way to Somalia”. The attack was unsuccessful since the U.S. troops already left before the bomb erupted. The attack was the first of many attacks Al-Qaeda carried out against U.S and other countries. But according to NBC News, “Two Austrian tourists were killed”. The event would also leave two of the extremist, who placed the bomb in the hotel, injured, and they would later be arrested on charges of terrorism. These attacks would go on to shape the biggest attack on U.S. soil.

Nine years later, Al-Qaeda would carry out a successful attack. The day is September 11th, the year is 2001, the time is 5:45 A.M., and the hijackers are at the security checkpoint at Portland International Jetport in Maine. They will board an airplane to Boston Logan International Airport, where they will be connected to American Airlines Flight 11. Shortly after 7:30 A.M. two of the hijacker’s clear security at Washington Dulles International Airport. They will be hijacking Flight 77 expected to be heading towards Los Angeles. At around 8:15 A.M. Flight 175 takes off from Boston to Los Angeles. Twenty-seven minutes later Flight 93 takes off from Newark International Airport in New Jersey and is suppose to be headed to San Francisco. At around 8:15 A.M. the hijackers on Flight 11 take control of the plane. According to USA TODAY, “the terrorists stabbed the flight attendants to get a cockpit key, to force one of them to open the cockpit door”. Once they gained control of the plane they steered it towards New York’s World Trade Center Twin-Towers, where it struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:24 A.M. the FAA is notified of suspected hijacking of Flight 77 after, passengers and crew workers aboard are able to alert family members. Thirteen minutes later the airplane hits the west side of the Pentagon. According to History, “Hijackers on Flight 77 killed 59 people aboard the plane and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building”. The hijackers on Flight 175 at around 9:03 A.M. crash into the South Tower of the World Trade Center killing everyone aboard and hundreds inside. On Flight 93 after Passengers and Crew members on the plane hear about the other attacks in New York and Washington they organize an attempt to retake the plane, in reaction to the people and crew members the hijackers decide to crash the plane into a field in Pennsylvania killing all the people aboard the plane. After 30 minutes after the attacks, New York took a turn for the worst both the North and the South Towers could not stand the amount of weight, and heat generated from the airplanes which resulted in both of the towers collapsing. Only six people would survive after the collapse of the twin towers.

This day will go down as the most tragic day in American history but also a day where all Americans came together to fight off the evil act of terrorism. In response to the 9/11 attacks the U.S. increased security, The Department of Homeland Security was created, and the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. 45 days after the 9/11 attacks The Patriot Act was passed the act made it easier for the government to spy on ordinary Americans by having the authority to monitor their phone, email messages, and track what innocent Americans are doing on the internet. Although many people thought the Patriot Act was to catch terrorists, but as stated by Business Insider, “the Patriot Act actually turns regular citizens into suspects”.

01 February 2021
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