A Critical Review Of The Film The Social Network

Focusing on the story of Facebook starting in a small Harvard dorm room, The Social Network is a film that summarizes the way to make 500 million friends through a few enemies. The unforgettable opening scene of The Social Network is a tremendous work that shows how fast the film starts even when it starts! The Social Network film, which started in Harvard's dorm room and showed us how a social media formation that only consists of Harvard's network spread step by step in the world and enables us to see what is happening in the background of this internet network, was presented to the audience in 2010 by David Fincher. One of the most important factors for us to enter the film at the time of this meeting was that the film had a tiring scenario base that never tired. The extraordinary scenarios of the film's script and the great acting and character structures that the actors came up with, brought the film from one documentary to another. The fact that this effect is manifested in the opening scene at the beginning of the film is a manifestation of the excellent collaboration of both director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. 

Today the internet is an alternative to the real world we live in. Although modernism constitutes its infrastructure, there is no authority that controls the internet and its existing structures. Although many countries have introduced laws that control the functioning of the Internet, the extent to which these laws control the Internet remains a matter of debate. The most important factor that makes the internet attractive for people is sharing. All kinds of written and visual products can be shared by all internet users on the internet without any censorship. Although it is not very regular for the time being, the internet is an area where people can share all kinds of data without any expectations and distance from each other. Although many sharing forums and sites are not long-lasting, they are being replaced by new ones. Wikileaks, which revealed the correspondence of the diplomats of many states on earth with its latest shares and shared it with the whole world, has been a striking example of changing the lives of people. Wikileaks, information on the Internet, but all kinds of information, how effectively and quickly can be shared with people without any censorship is a very striking example. This is a noteworthy indication that the known relationship between the individual and the state, in other words authority, has changed or will change significantly. 

When we consider the structure that the director is trying to establish, things that may be seen as deficiency by some, such as deprivation of criticism, Facebook and internet culture not finding enough space in the film, may be eliminated. As a result, the film never has a discourse about virtual social networks and today's Internet culture. This discourse creates the audience's prejudices and expectations about the virtual before they watch the film and the director's own fictional world is just a simple sketch of real life. While the director wants to tell a real-life story outside the boundaries of that world, in a fictional world, he tries to establish this structure by adhering to the representation codes of that world just like Zodiac. This brings superficiality. As in his recent films, Fincher wants to change the narrative structure of the system he is involved in, and integrate it into his own universe, but he cannot produce an alternative to the narrative and representation forms of mainstream cinema, unaware of how he will do so. As a matter of fact, Mark Zuckerberg is trapped between being the lonely founder of a huge network and being a confused character who is trying to find a role in a fictional universe. In the last instance, while Zuckerberg thinks of his unforgettable girlfriend, who has started everything, we can't stop thinking about when Fincher is going to get into maturity. 

Today, even though Facebook is a social networking site with five hundred million members and a market value of around twenty-five billion dollars, it can radically change the future of a society or communities, for example, to make them more free, to look at all life and what they know from different places and with different insights. It is not known whether it will be a structure to be referred to or will it realize other ideal sites or social sharing areas in the internet universe whose name is not yet discovered. What is even more unknown on this subject is the future of the new fields of investigation, the sociology and psychology of the Internet, which has not yet been adequately researched and collected, and it seems that the future will also provide the cinema with plenty of material. 

10 Jun 2021
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