The Benefits of Unplugging: A Day Without Technology

Today, technology is used around the clock. It is part of our daily life. When we wake up, we pick up our phones or gadgets to check the time and even to clean our house. We use technology to make life easier for us. Most people cannot imagine that they can go a day without contacting or using the technology that we are used to. Yes, it is difficult for us, because it is useful not to use technology for a day, but sometimes it is overused, sometimes it is even abused. 

Each of us is using technology. Men, women, adults, adolescents, lgbtq. Children and even babies. Animals and plants use technology. Some people abuse their technology. Some people are addicted to their phones or computers. People constantly check their phones. Receive text messages or emails and then other people continue to check or log in to their computers. We want to see who has contacted us or what they want. Sometimes it's just because we have an addiction. I think it is better to try it for a day without using technology. Surprisingly, in my experience, some people don't even try or try to stay away from technology for a day. 

A day without technology is not good for me because I use it in my daily life, but I realize that a thing without technology is more sleepy., But I avoid radiation. I'm very happy to be able to socialize with other people, have deep conversations with my friends, and share some ideas about how we feel without using technology. with them it is fun to be with others even with us We established connections in our families and we got together. We talk to each other and we feel like in the 1800s, because in that year, there were few days without technology. much better without technology because I feel relaxed and don't have to worry about the pressure of online classrooms. Questions and news about diseases can also be a day without technology. There is no technical benefit to spend or a day without technical quality. Time can be spent with friends or even with family members. We are playing online games or watching movies and chatting on social media. You can spend quality time with family and even friends and have fun, and you will not be disturbed by calls or texts from other people (including friends or even colleagues). Share stories and experiences with friends and family. We can also participate in days without technology. Refreshing Games and Activities Enjoy fun activities like climbing, swimming, biking, etc. Sometimes it is fun to stay away from technology because it allows you to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest or perhaps we like that we can also walk through the fields or backpacks to maximize the quality of the technical day is calmer for us at night. If we do not use technology, we can sleep well without the interference of technology, then you also have disadvantages in the day when there is no technology to miss the opportunity to miss someone's important call or text, right? 

In my opinion, this can cause boredom in daily life to have a negative impact on me, because without technology, I cannot cope with my online courses, not even phone calls and text messages from family and friends, But a day without technology can avoid radiation by avoiding radiation. It will have a positive impact

10 October 2022
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